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Just starting - Need help.

PostPosted: June 20th, 2006, 10:44 am
by JHoffman

I'm recently just getting into hypnotism, i'm not looking forward to any of the crazy fetish stuff just yet, but I did notice there's a *"Better Guitar" file.

So I opened it up and listened to it.

It looks really helpful and all as I listened to it, but i'm seeming to have a problem during the trance.

I'm somewhere between trancing and not trancing. I'm listening to the induction as EMG is talking, telling to relax, I don't feel like moving, etc. etc.

So anyway, I seem to be unable to get up from the trance until the end (like most people in their trances), as supposed. I'm getting the tingly feeling, but I don't feel like i'm in a state of unconsciousness.

After listening to the whole file, I get up and try playing guitar again, but i'm not getting any real different results.

I'm not too sure.

Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong during the trance?

Thanks in advance.

*(Just a little background info, I am an amateur Guitarist, been playing for 2 years now, I'm a bit messy at playing songs so i'm trying to get help.)

PostPosted: June 20th, 2006, 12:29 pm
by willh5689
trance is diffrent for everyone blah blah blah

PostPosted: June 20th, 2006, 12:38 pm
by poetzero
If you're relatively new at this, please bear in mind it is not an instant panacea. It will take several listenings to the file for it to really start kicking in, even slightly.

It sounds like you're gaining some degree of trance. Don't think about it. Simply focus on the voice (in this case, EMG's voice). No need to think about anything else except what's being said in the files.

In addition, I don't think the objective to reaching trance-state is being unconscious. Sure, you want the conscious mind to be fully asleep, but you also want the subconscious mind to be completely awake, enabling it to take in whatever suggestions each file provides. I realize going into a deep trance is different for everyone, but in my case I become completely immobile, extremities tingle, I feel like I am gently floating, but I'm also vaguely cognizant of my surroundings (e.g. maybe hearing a siren of some sort or the trains rolling past my place, but paying them no mind and blocking them out).

You might also look at some of the files that will deepen and improve the trance state and files that improve accepting what other files, like BetterGuitar in your case, are suggesting.

Finally let me say, from one musician to another, there is nothing like good olde-fashioned practice. pick up your axe for at least an hour a day. If you keep that up, soon your guitar muscles will be beefy and full of spunk. As the old joke goes, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" 8)


PostPosted: June 20th, 2006, 1:19 pm
by JHoffman
Finally let me say, from one musician to another, there is nothing like good olde-fashioned practice. pick up your axe for at least an hour a day. If you keep that up, soon your guitar muscles will be beefy and full of spunk. As the old joke goes, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" 8)


I practice for more than 3-4 hours a day. Quite frankly i'm not sure why, but my hand skills need better practice..

Take for example:

When i'm attempting a solo like in a tab of a favorite song i'm looking at, I usually try to get the rythym, then I try the bends in some of the notes.

I won't get too far into this, but something like this might help (or probably make it worse as far as I know about hypnotism), I'm not exactly sure if I can reprogram myself without hypnotism or some more guitar lessons to blow out the bad knowledge.

I guess everything comes with practice (But it usually takes me longer than most others).

I won't get too off-topic with this, anyway. :?

PostPosted: June 20th, 2006, 2:56 pm
by homerj1620
JHoffman wrote:I practice for more than 3-4 hours a day. Quite frankly i'm not sure why, but my hand skills need better practice..

That about what I practice, except for weekends when it's 10+ hours.

Generally I try to spend at least an hour a day doing speed and finger exercises (check the book "Speed Mechanics for Lead Guitar" by Troy Setina for some great ones). Then another hour or two doing improvising against backing tracks (you can get them in pretty much any genre, just look around). Any other time I spend on stuff like legato, finger taping, sweep picking, arpeggios, chords, scales, etc.

Anyway, I'd highly recommend that book, it has helped me significantly. If you actually do the things in it, you're hand skills will definitely improve. Also, take lessons if your not currently. I started taking lessons again a year ago and have made more progress in the last year than the 12 before that. Classical lessons will also help.

PostPosted: June 20th, 2006, 3:44 pm
by JHoffman
I'll see if I can pick up a copy of that. Thanks!

While I might not use hypnotism for guitaring help for the time being, i'll get into it anyway. Some of the curses and stuff look pretty cool, i'll have to try them out if I ever get a hang of trancing.