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Almost.. sometimes.

PostPosted: July 28th, 2006, 2:42 am
by MovZig
Two days ago I tried EMG's suggestible file for an hour or two, and yesterday morning I tried the LRFemaleOrgasm file. I think I'm getting sufficient trace, but it feels more like a light one despite my best attempts. I tried the LR file two times yesterday and had to play along a bit but earlier I tried it again and actually came to a time where I couldn't breathe for a second and was feeling some of the shocks mentioned in the file (which makes me think i'm almost getting it right) but some of the other parts aren't working yet.

I think it's a light trance because I can still openly feel my limbs, but they are a bit tingly. It feels like lying on a wave and light patterns flash in my eyelids, but the images and wave feeling is very weak.

Do you think I should splice deepener2 in there and try again?