trying to make long list

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trying to make long list

Postby jon1223 » July 29th, 2006, 2:42 pm

do you need an induction before a binural or subliminal because i have noticed that many of these subliminal file arnt workin to well...also can you put TOO many bodies together...sorry but i have a lot of questions
Posts: 99
Joined: July 19th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Jacara » July 29th, 2006, 6:13 pm

They work differently.

Subliminals are meant to be used while not in a trance: they're supposed to go to the subconscious because they're designed to not be noticed by the waking mind (but whether they effectively affect the subconscious depends on the individual and the method they're delivered)...

Binaurals, are meant to bring you into trance by playing at a specific frequency, which would cause your brain activity to go down to that level.

So you could put an induction during a binaural to achieve trance, but you wouldn't want to mix either of those with subliminals.

As for combining suggestions.. personally, I don't think you can combine too many. But maybe start with one or two just to see that it's working.
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