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What to do with eyes? (Noob here)

PostPosted: August 24th, 2006, 1:32 am
by FCarrots
I'm just trying to learn how to get into a trance, and eventually hope to be able to lucid dream from files on this site. Right now I'm listening to the cardigan one, as I heard it's good.

My problem has always been what to do with my eyes. When I close them, I'm always concious of where behind my eyelids they're looking. They roll back, then I try to relax them and let them go where they want, and then I try to look at different spots in the darkness. The whole while, I can't become 'completely relaxed and obedient' because I'm still 100% concious and trying to sort out my eyes. I also find my eyelids get sore from me keeping them closed, and I don't know why this happens. Ugh.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

PostPosted: August 24th, 2006, 8:59 pm
by Jacara
You might want to try staring at something (a flickering candle is good, or the classic spiral), or when you close your eyes picture something instead of looking at the darkness.

PostPosted: August 25th, 2006, 1:26 am
by Skribblez
if you really want total darkness but don't want to close your eyes, just put a black t-shirt on your head.

PostPosted: October 4th, 2006, 8:28 pm
by Unregistered
^ But sometimes you can feel the tshirt. Its why I don't put a blanket over my head because I feel it.

PostPosted: October 5th, 2006, 4:46 am
by Jack
Buy one of those eye masks to cover your eyes. They're pretty cheap, and won't make you overheat like a blanket will if you cover your head with it. If your eyes roll back, what makes you think that that's not where they want to go?

PostPosted: October 6th, 2006, 4:08 pm
by homerj1620
Try the files from Cardigan such as Deep Trance or Enhancement and Acceptance (now my induction of choice). His induction tells you to look at things.

You could also download Virtual Hypnotist. It contains several videos like a spiral and candles. You could try looping one of those when using a file to give you something to look at.

PostPosted: October 7th, 2006, 3:12 am
by willingsub
homerj1620 wrote:You could also download Virtual Hypnotist. It contains several videos like a spiral and candles. You could try looping one of those when using a file to give you something to look at.

Or even more simple: play the file in mediaplayer (or another player with visuals), pick a visual that seems mesmerising to you, and stare at it while listening to the file.

I myself prefer to lay back and close my eyes, but when I do listen sitting at my computer, this is what I do, with good results. I mostly go for the 'turning wheel' kind of round visuals, but whatever works for you, just try a few different kinds of visuals.