Can't orgasm with files.

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Can't orgasm with files.

Postby TMaskedReader » September 15th, 2006, 2:02 am

First post, first of all, however, been lurking/using the files for a few months now.

So far, haven't been able to experience the orgasm with some of the files. (Cum Torture, LRFemaleOrgasm, and TrigBlowjob in particular.)

I can go into trance just fine and experience the arousal involved, however, the orgasm never happens. Is there another file I should be trying to help with this?
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Re: Can't orgasm with files.

Postby liljonny » September 15th, 2006, 6:33 am

TMaskedReader wrote:First post, first of all, however, been lurking/using the files for a few months now.

So far, haven't been able to experience the orgasm with some of the files. (Cum Torture, LRFemaleOrgasm, and TrigBlowjob in particular.)

I can go into trance just fine and experience the arousal involved, however, the orgasm never happens. Is there another file I should be trying to help with this?

I haven't used these files, but with some of the files I have used , it has taken more than six months to get the full effects of the file. Some of the effects happen right away, and some take a while.
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Postby Jack » September 15th, 2006, 9:51 pm

Use a deepener, and perhaps trainsuggestible(sp?).
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