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Trance Help

PostPosted: October 2nd, 2006, 7:35 pm
by pupbear
I am somewhat new to the hypnosis scene and I keep trying, without any success, to get into a decent trance. When I do eventually get into a trance, it usually ends up in me falling asleep...why? I have tried this in a brightly lit room as well as a dark room, and the same always happens. After I awake...I can't remember anything that happened, I know this is usually a sign of a good trance, but I think most of the forgetfulness is from the sleeping. Is there any way that I can correct this? Please help...I would like to continue trying this.

PostPosted: October 2nd, 2006, 9:42 pm
by BillionSix
Question: Are you waking up when you are told to wake up at the end? Or do you just keep on sleeping?
Because if you wake up when told, that is a good sign that you are just in a deep trance.


PostPosted: October 3rd, 2006, 12:20 pm
by pupbear
See thats where the tricky part comes in. I do wake up when told to do so...but then when I try to use the trigger it never works...or at least I don't think it works. Currently I am using the Cardigan-DeepTrance and the CurseMuscleBound and something isn't connecting...could it be because there are inductions in both files?

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2006, 1:53 pm
by sarnoga
If you are already using an induction you should follow that with just the body of the other file instead of the whole file.

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2006, 2:57 pm
by cardigan
Several things may be wrong. First of all you have 2 inductions in a row, which is bad - like it was pointed out. So if you strip the induction from the second file, you'd have a playlist with an induction plus a file body, which is a lot better. Secondly the change of hypnotist voice from me (Cardigan) to EMG might disturb your depth of trance. To prevent this from happening, you might want to listen to Cardigan - Enhancement and Acceptance. It helps you accept different hypnotists in the same playlist and lets you experience them as being in the same voice.

I hope this will help.


PostPosted: October 3rd, 2006, 8:12 pm
by pupbear it ok for me to modify a file (i.e.: getting rid of the induction on one of the files)

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2006, 10:06 pm
by cardigan
You can modify a file in many ways. Cutting out the induction of a file leaves you with what is known as the body. If you are a premium member, then many of the files have bodies, that you can download too. This is the actual file, but with the induction removed. If you want to listen to several files in a row, then you should make a playlist on your mp3-player or computer, that goes: induction (or file that starts with an induction plus body) + body of a file + body + ... + awakening (or file that consists of a body plus the awakening).

If you modify a file's body by editing out the parts you don't want, you can have the file work different from what the hypnotist intended. But this kind of editing is more critical. I don't recommend it for novices.

best wishes


PostPosted: October 4th, 2006, 4:52 am
by sarnoga
pupbear it ok for me to modify a file (i.e.: getting rid of the induction on one of the files)
If you modify a file's body by editing out the parts you don't want, you can have the file work different from what the hypnotist intended.

And be careful not to leave any body parts around. That could disturb your sleep.

PostPosted: October 4th, 2006, 2:01 pm
by pupbear
That sounds kinda disturbing (leaving body parts around) =) Ok if I had music editing would I know where the induction ends and the body begins?

PostPosted: October 4th, 2006, 2:09 pm
by willingsub
pupbear wrote:That sounds kinda disturbing (leaving body parts around) =) Ok if I had music editing would I know where the induction ends and the body begins?

in most files the induction has a countdown and after the countdown something like "you are now deep and relaxed". The body often begins with something like "now it's time for a change (in how you think/see your body/ live/etc.). The body of a file is simply the part with the actual suggestions. Basically any part of the file telling you to relax is induction, any part with specific instructions is body. Also many of the files on this site use the same induction, so if you compare a few files it's easy to figure out which part of the file is induction and which is the body.

For music editing software: google on "audacity", it's a free sound editing program

PostPosted: October 4th, 2006, 3:21 pm
by stefan4711
You can also use WavePad as sound edit software It can be found at I find it a little bit easier to use if you are putting files with different sample rate together into one. Wavepad automatically converts the sample rates whereas Audacity doesn't. Othervise Audacity is perfect.

PostPosted: October 4th, 2006, 9:40 pm
by sarnoga
actually in audacity if you combine several files with different sample rates it will set them all at the same sample rate once you mix them. Also you can use it to change the sample rate of anything you have to your choise of sample rates.