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Shower of Bondage question(s)

PostPosted: October 10th, 2006, 8:47 pm
by pupbear
I just downloaded the Shower of Bondage file, and I'm kind of afraid to use it before I ask these questions.

1). is this a curse or can it be removed?
2). lets say that I'm taking a shower in my gym, will this take effect (even though there are separate stalls with curtains)...that would be kind of embarrasing?
3). I visit my folks every now and stay awhile...will this take effect, or does it only work at home?

I would really like to try this file it sounds really good (I've skimmed through it), but I just don't want anything to happen when I don't want it to, and get caught (still really embarrasing).


PostPosted: October 10th, 2006, 9:12 pm
by FlameD
If I remember correctly, it only works if you're showering in private. I'm not sure if 'private' would extend to showering while at your folks or not.

PostPosted: October 11th, 2006, 5:44 am
by aviant
You must be in privacy, this means you must consider yourself safe.

BTW I've only made it to work partially so far, but it was a nice experience.

PostPosted: October 31st, 2006, 9:22 pm
by alloiledup
Me too. I really want to try this file as well and I posted a question as well on a different note. I was asking that I usually shower in the morning when I need to get ready to go to work but what if I get bound by the liquid plastic and I couldn't get out so how am I supposed to get to work on time? I really want to experience this file so I would love to hear other people's experience with this file, because I can't get caught within the plastic and unable to head to work then I will get fired!


PostPosted: November 1st, 2006, 1:29 am
by cardigan
I made the ending of the file so that you are able to free yourself by masturbating. Your arms are free to do that eventually. When you have an orgasm, you are free. You'll have to try the file, but do it at a time when you aren't in a hurry.

Oh - I've had reports from people who tried the file several times with no result, and they kept listening to it. Then suddenly they felt it after a bit of time.

PostPosted: November 1st, 2006, 5:54 am
by alloiledup
That sounds like a lot of fun. But if I shower twice a day, does it mean I need to cum twice a day? I'm in my 40's. Sometimes I can cum twice a day but sometimes I can't. If I can't, then I would be bound! Could Cardigan make another version of this liquid plastic file and just have the liquid plastic go away in 20 mins or so? Instead of being encased in hard plastic, can we have liquid soft plastic all over us like a python wrapping around us but won't choke us, more like ropes and chains all over us that we would try to break them like Hercules but of no avail. The more you struggle, the tighter it would wrap around you and get tighter. After 10 mins of bondage, your hands and arms would be free and once you apply soap/detergents on you, you would be totally free? I think this file would be fun enough to have another lighter and another even heavier version.
