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Splicing audio files?

PostPosted: October 11th, 2006, 3:47 am
by FlameD
I was wondering if anyone could recommend a free (and easy to use) way of splicing the files. Basically, I just wanna take a few of them and cut out the parts I don't want, or just use the parts I do want. Is there an easy way to do that?

Re: Splicing audio files?

PostPosted: October 11th, 2006, 6:16 am
by willingsub
Audacity is a free audio editing program. Just google for it, it's easy to find.

PostPosted: October 11th, 2006, 6:48 am
by FlameD
Thanks. :)

Download URL for Audacity Application

PostPosted: November 17th, 2006, 11:22 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
The previous post from willingsub recommended the 'Audacity' application.

I agree. And, I use it.

As of November, 2006, this URL would take you to a site where you could download the application:

PostPosted: November 17th, 2006, 5:44 pm
by Shademaster2
Another option is the neuroprogrammer from I believe they do have a limitted use free trial addition.


PostPosted: November 20th, 2006, 2:04 am
by Kalendaine
oddly, i used Windows Movie Maker for the same purpose - with a bit of patience, it even splices it down to the millisecond.