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help with Instant Wetting

PostPosted: November 28th, 2006, 2:23 am
by FDP
I've tried listening to Induction before listening to any file, and it has helped me deepen my trances. I just can't get this file to work. Tonight when I listened to it, I got the farthest I think I ever have with it. When the trigger was said, I felt my bladder twinge a litle bit, but nothing else happened. I'm just curious, has anyone gotten this file (Instant Wetting) to work for them at all?

PostPosted: December 3rd, 2006, 6:49 am
by bobjoe11
I've never tried this file (not into that kinda stuff), but the first few times you hear the trigger in trance, do exactly what the trigger is supposed to do, consciously- which would be wetting onesself. After those first few times, you'll be more accostumed to doing what the trigger says subconsciously.

PostPosted: December 3rd, 2006, 5:24 pm
by MistressTwisted
Try listening to TrainSusceptable before Instant Wetting, worked wonders for my pet :wink:

instant wetting

PostPosted: December 3rd, 2006, 8:42 pm
by strictausmstr
I agree with MistressTwisted...Train Susceptible is a good lead in

You should find a fast track from that