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Question about the trances

PostPosted: January 21st, 2007, 2:56 pm
by oedipus2
I've been listening to the deepening files a bit, and I'm not sure how deep I should be. If I knew that, I think I could get myself there almost just by concentration, but I'm not sure -- sure I be so deep that I don't remember any of the body, and only remember the induction and awakening, or should I be up to remember every word of the body consciously? Or somewhere in between? If anyone has any guidance they can offer it would be much appreciated!


PostPosted: January 21st, 2007, 4:34 pm
by cardigan
It's really hard to say. Not remembering the body CAN be a good sign - unless you start making snoring sounds and don't get up until next morning :-)

Some people will be able to remember all or most, but still get the effects of the hypnosis. In order to get many of the results from hypnosis, you only need to be in a light trance, which means that you will probably be able to remember everything afterwards, and that you may not think you were even hypnotized.

Just relax, listen to the files and choose some files, where you can test if they give you a result. For instance - Cardigan - Itching foot. If your foot starts itching after the hypnosis, and you can't make it stop - other than by sending me a personal message, then you know, that it worked.

Best wishes


PostPosted: January 21st, 2007, 8:25 pm
by krindil
i didnt have a good experience with the itchy foot lmao
after i did it my internet went down
it was a horrible day i tell you

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 1:35 am
by missypuss
In my experience a deepening feels a lot like somebody is giving you a mild numbing sedative.

My body feels extremely relaxed.

I feel a mild kind of pins and needles,

And I zone out.

I can actually feel myself dropping deeper and deeper, as I am told to experience this.

Theres nothing quite like it.

Pure Bliss....

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 1:45 am
by oedipus2
Cool, thanks -- I'll let you know

PostPosted: February 2nd, 2007, 9:37 pm
by gemini76
I'm using Cardigan's gradual induction and I'm sure it's working.

I have experienced a feeling of my body being deeper as well. I'm lying on the bed but it just feels like my body is going deeper towards the ground. It also at one point felt like my body was standing. All the while my concious mind was active focused on what was happening? This happend a couple days ago after 2 weeks of using Cardigans gradual induction.

The last couple days I experienced the same thing but not to such an extent. I'm not absolutely sure this was trance but I think I may be close. A little more practice but close.

What do you guys think?

Do alot of people experience the same thing?

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2007, 1:03 am
by missypuss
Nearly there.

Keep going .

I promise you it is heaven..........