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is there anyway to control a person without letting tem know

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 2:57 pm
by lazyboi
is there any mp3 file to make a person obey you even though they don't want to?

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 4:22 pm
by cardigan
If they don't want to obey you in the first place, won't it be hard to get them to listen to a file?

I don't think any files to that effect are readily available here. If you were a master of NLP, you could influence them pretty much during normal conversations with them, and gain their trust. But I don't think you could get them to completely obey your every word.

Also ethics come into play here. We don't want to make anybody do anything they don't want to do themselves, do we?

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 4:25 pm
by lazyboi
like just tell them to listen to a file (hide the file under a song or something) then for example make them like/love you or something.

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 7:28 pm
by whatthe75
Hypnosis is not about controlling. If anything it actually gives the person being hypnotised more control as it lets their concious and subconcious minds interact more effectively.

There are ways of doing what u ask, as cardigan says more in the use of NLP and language, but by the sounds of it i believe your reasons for it dont seem to be moraly right.

PostPosted: February 11th, 2007, 2:35 am
by boomsmee
There is a parisite that can affect the mind. I wouldn't reccemend trying to infect people with it though, but about 1/3 the world population is infected.


PostPosted: February 11th, 2007, 9:01 am
by Blink
What you're looking for might be found here.

If you build any of the electronic devices, let me know how they work.

-- Blink
Wrapped in foil, like a baked potato.

PostPosted: February 11th, 2007, 3:24 pm
by Mino
The best way would be to find out what they don't like about themselves such as they smoke too much or they eat too much or they don't eat healthy enough etc... In the mind though. Then convince them to let you hypnotize them to get them to like healthy food or to stop them smoking or whatever (you have to know how to hypnotize though) then hypnotize them and say something like, "You feel a slight breeze over your body" or something to that effect once you think you've got them under and if they twitch then they are actually under and if they don't then you'd be embarressed if you started telling them to obey you and such. Anyway if you know that they are indeed in a trance then make them go deeper quite a bit and cleverly word it so they want to obey your commands but don't use the words, "obey", or "commands" or "aidjfidaisjdijasidjasidj" mainly because that word doesn't exist. Anyway cleverly word it so like, "you find YOURNAMEHERE to be so good you will do anything you can to please him you will do as he says because he is so super and such" but word it better and stuff.

PostPosted: February 12th, 2007, 12:19 am
by whatthe75
And that would only work if they wanted to anyway.

Heres something to try. Why not just go upto the person you are talking about and just tell them " Hey i want you to be my slave - listen to this hypno file it will allow you to become my slave more easily" and show them one of the slave files.

It will increase your chances by 50%.

Why be sneaky they might want to do it.

PostPosted: July 28th, 2010, 2:18 am
by slutinmyhead
I'm thinking NLP, though there are certainly limits depending on the person's willingness to do what you want from them. I got my introduction to NLP from This is a departure from "real" NLP, as the site is dedicated to pick ups and seduction. It's a good place to start though, as it's easier for the layman.

PostPosted: August 1st, 2010, 10:07 am
by sleepyjosh
whatthe75 wrote:And that would only work if they wanted to anyway.

Heres something to try. Why not just go upto the person you are talking about and just tell them " Hey i want you to be my slave - listen to this hypno file it will allow you to become my slave more easily" and show them one of the slave files.

It will increase your chances by 50%.

Why be sneaky they might want to do it.

LOL... awesome idea. I dunno if it would work on 50% of the general population, but if one of my friends came up to me and said that, I know my answer would be a resounding "yes!"