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Can anyone make a file to get rid of my ocd?

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 6:26 pm
by lazyboi
i've been having OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) for 5 years now, 5 years of PAIN.

plz help?

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 8:46 pm
by Capt
Well, you can pay to have custom files made.

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 11:01 pm
by VeryGnawty
Or you could tackle it the old-fashioned way:

Interrupt the compulsive behavior, and then interrupt the thought process that leads to obsession.

PostPosted: February 11th, 2007, 8:55 am
by Blink
You're asking someone to engage in the practice of psychotherapy. There's a distinction between doing "personal change work" or enhancing "personal growth" or "human potential" and treating a psychiatric illness.

I have no doubt that there are people here who could help reduce your feelings of anxiety. I don't think anyone here can legally and ethically treat any disorder.

In as much of the English-speaking world as I've yet researched, the person doing the latter is required to have some sort of license. Licensed professionals will also be subject to some code of code of professional ethics based on which of the helping professions they practice. I'm not expert in the ethics rules on diagnosis and treatment via Internet, which are still being developed, as far as I know.

What you can do is find a qualified professional, local to you, who is willing to use hypnosis either as the primary tool of therapy, or, more likely, as an adjunct.

I'm sure this seems like an undue burden, espcially with all the material that's available here, but the rules are in place for the protection of the public. The idea is to protect people who might be in a very vulnerable state from unlicensed, unethical, unqualified, cackling, drooling, sick, perverted, twisted... ;) get the picture.

Given that you've looked here, you might consider trying the Kink Aware Professionals list to find that qualified local person.

If you can't find what you need, feel free to PM me, and I'll help all I can.

Good luck.

-- Blink

PostPosted: February 11th, 2007, 4:13 pm
by ShadowSabre
Like Blink said, you need an actual, professional psychologist for OCD, not an amateur hypnotist who may or may not know what (s)he is doing.

Good luck.

PostPosted: July 28th, 2010, 2:28 am
by slutinmyhead
Ultimately, any of these files should help. By reducing anxiety in general, you'll reduce your OCD. One recommendation though: you may want to avoid the files that make you do weird stuff. You'd hate to develop OCD towards suggestions intended more for fantasy or temporary experimentation.

On that note, exercise is great for anxiety. Do a google search on coping skills. I'd try those before seeking out a therapist. Although antidepressants and antianxiety meds are used for this, I'd look to those only after trying other things. Being in this line of work myself, most psychiatrists are likely to prescribe these first.