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can ADHD possibly be the reason files have 0 effect on me?

PostPosted: February 18th, 2007, 7:08 pm
by 9hg7u
when i get past the induction i really can't keep focus, its hard to, it might be the ADHD, any sugestions?

On your condition.

PostPosted: February 18th, 2007, 10:52 pm
by Mari4199
Possibly. Since the consition you speak of relates to attention and focus and hypnosis is all about theat, logically speaking it is very possible.

PostPosted: February 19th, 2007, 10:36 am
by demigraff
I was once told by my counsellor that people with AD/HD can't be hypnotised. As I'd been trying the files on this site for more than a year by then with little to no effect, I was partly inclined to believe her.

Since then, I've found that "can't" is way too strong a word, and it gets a lot easier with practise.

I suspect that in that situation, it may be more effective to use different inductions. Something shorter may be a good idea, not having to focus for as long. Although, with less of an induction, you would probably also need more repetition to see any effects.
I think my recommendation for overcoming the ADHD problem would be to try as many different induction files as you can find. Files from here and similar sites, things like Virtual Hypnotist or Subliminal Blaster, or find a willing hypnotist to try on IRC or other text-based medium. A variety of methods, but try something every day, and you'll find that after a while it starts to become easier to stay focused every time. When its easier, then its time to start adding the files whose effects interest you more.

Just my opinion ... but variety and brevity certainly seemed to make it easier for me.

PostPosted: February 19th, 2007, 6:31 pm
by boomsmee
People with ADHD can be hypnotized, I have ADHD and can go into trance without any trouble. though i had practiced self-hypnosis and meditation for years before using a hypnosis file, so i already had experience going into trance. It may take some effort on your part, but it is definatly not impossible.

PostPosted: February 19th, 2007, 9:30 pm
by Draygone
Perhaps if you listen to the files when you go to bed. Logically speaking, doesn't your body have to relax to fall asleep anyway?

PostPosted: February 19th, 2007, 11:28 pm
by 9hg7u
Draygone wrote:Perhaps if you listen to the files when you go to bed. Logically speaking, doesn't your body have to relax to fall asleep anyway?

yes, but then again i'vee seen animals and humans sleep with their eyes open

PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 12:12 am
by whatthe75
Hypnosis is not sleep so laying in bed will not automatically make you relax. Ask all the insomniacs that spend their whole night looking at the ceiling.

Anyone is hypnotisable and the fact you say you listen to the whole file and think you are trancing says to me you are going into hypnosis ok.

When you say you have trouble concentrating on the words,that does not mean they are not sinking in. Your concious mind does not have to hear what is said and can do it's own thing whilst your subconcious mind takes in the important parts.

When you listen, do you listen until the file tells you to wake up?If you do then that is a sign that your subconcious is allowing you to hear the whole file.

The other thing is how long have you been listening to the file or files.The files can take a long time to have any effect. They can also creep up on you and you may not notice you are even doing the new behaviour or whatever it is the file is for.A couple of lictens will very very rarely make the changes you want. Repetition is the key. Especially with the more advanced files.

PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 7:44 am
by 9hg7u
whatthe75 wrote:Hypnosis is not sleep so laying in bed will not automatically make you relax. Ask all the insomniacs that spend their whole night looking at the ceiling.

Anyone is hypnotisable and the fact you say you listen to the whole file and think you are trancing says to me you are going into hypnosis ok.

When you say you have trouble concentrating on the words,that does not mean they are not sinking in. Your concious mind does not have to hear what is said and can do it's own thing whilst your subconcious mind takes in the important parts.

When you listen, do you listen until the file tells you to wake up?If you do then that is a sign that your subconcious is allowing you to hear the whole file.

The other thing is how long have you been listening to the file or files.The files can take a long time to have any effect. They can also creep up on you and you may not notice you are even doing the new behaviour or whatever it is the file is for.A couple of lictens will very very rarely make the changes you want. Repetition is the key. Especially with the more advanced files.

i was listening to the FurryTransformation one.....i know but when i say the trigger, nadda :cry:

PostPosted: February 21st, 2007, 5:50 am
by whatthe75
That is one of the more advances files which requires hallucinations i believe. Maybe try an easier file first to see if you can get them working.Maybe the Trig freeze file. As i said repetition is the key, especially the furry file.

How long have you been listening to i?

PostPosted: February 21st, 2007, 4:47 pm
by 9hg7u
whatthe75 wrote:That is one of the more advances files which requires hallucinations i believe. Maybe try an easier file first to see if you can get them working.Maybe the Trig freeze file. As i said repetition is the key, especially the furry file.

How long have you been listening to i?

about 2 weeks

PostPosted: March 9th, 2010, 8:45 pm
by Hank01
I don't know if this will ever be seen by anyone, but one of the replies to this post was that some animals and people sleep with their eyes open. I do that sometimes. I don't know why it happens. I was in the hospital about 4 years ago from a heart attack and would be sleeping a lot because of the rest I was suppose to be getting. Anyway, on several occasions people had come into the room and start talking to me thinking I was awake because my eyes were open when in fact I was actually asleep. Is this something I should be concerned about?
Thanks, Hank

PostPosted: March 11th, 2010, 3:17 am
by frstone
i dont think thats something you need to be concerned about. I have a sister that do that too, but i think its just normal... people have differents sleep style :p

BTw, i dont know if i have ADHD or not, but certainly think so after years of listening ONLY to the file TrigFreeze with NO result... live hypnosis, hypnosis through webcam only ends with me "pretending" to be hypnotized... :'((

PostPosted: March 11th, 2010, 9:50 pm
by Hank01
Maybe that could be part of my problem as well. I do believe I am ADHD to a small degree. As I teacher, I see it in many of my students and I'm just beginning to put it all together and seeing the same things in me and that totally makes sense of my past educational experiences.