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different inductions -- plz help

PostPosted: March 22nd, 2007, 10:57 pm
by chromewhale
Alright, I've got to admit something. I want to enjoy some of these files on this site, but I'm having a problem. I really am uncomfortable with dominant undertones and things of the like. I've DLed some files from EMG, and they have the inductions built in, but I'm having trouble getting into a comfortable trance when I keep hearing to "obey" and to reach "total obedience." I was just wondering if there were some plain induction files that avoid things that I might perceive as dominant undertones, because otherwise, I might not be able to get the effect as promised by many of the files. :cry:

PostPosted: March 22nd, 2007, 11:14 pm
by Widor
Hey--give Blink's induction a listen, or give Cardigan's deep trance a whirl. Follow one of them up with the body portion of any of the filew you want to use. I've had great results doing it that way. Good luck.

Re: different inductions -- plz help

PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 2:54 am
by Baphijmm
chromewhale wrote:Alright, I've got to admit something. I want to enjoy some of these files on this site, but I'm having a problem. I really am uncomfortable with dominant undertones and things of the like. I've DLed some files from EMG, and they have the inductions built in, but I'm having trouble getting into a comfortable trance when I keep hearing to "obey" and to reach "total obedience." I was just wondering if there were some plain induction files that avoid things that I might perceive as dominant undertones, because otherwise, I might not be able to get the effect as promised by many of the files. :cry:

I'm going to take this as an opportunity to plug my own file, because I did something with it you're specifically asking for. :D It's the cadence induction; while writing the script, I specifically avoided the word "obey" and any derivative thereof, because I too had this same problem. So, I'm going to say give it a shot.

Also, Cardigan's inductions are good at avoiding that particular language, as someone suggested earlier; in fact, since his have been on the site longer and are tried-and-true, that's probably a better idea to start with. ^^;

PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 3:25 pm
by chromewhale
Thanks for all the help. I downloaded Cardigan's Deep Trance induction and put it before the body of EMG's Visualize Help.

Also, I thought I should share that I had quite a bit of success! I went pretty deep for just one time. I was deep enough that I couldn't hear a package being left at my door :D . The unfortunate part is that I had to wake myself up in the middle of VisualizeHelp because someone else came to my door and kept knocking :x but I'm hoping that after getting through the entire thing a number of times I'll be able to do other files with as much or more success. The way I figure I should start working on skills like visualization and trance before trying more advanced files. I think that is the problem with people on these forums that keep saying "these files don't work"

btw, Baphijmm. I would have downloaded your induction, but I'm not a premium member. I just joined as a standard member, and if I start to have success I might consider upgrading my membership, but I'm not ready for that yet. :wink:


PostPosted: March 27th, 2007, 6:59 pm
by Mari4199
I also am going to take this opportunity to plug my own file in an entirely shameless manner because i have tried it and i think it works better than my others. The file is named male induction and it is merely named that because the voice is male. It utilizes a simple .5 bass binaural tone and the sound of a slowly beating heart in the background. I have used it myself and it brought me really deep into trance. You may want to try it. :)