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Boring Inductions....

PostPosted: April 16th, 2007, 11:04 am
by Kanibal
OK, I've been going at this for a VERY long while now, with no results from anything that I've tried, and a long time ago the inductions started getting very boring, and because of that I just start daydreaming and ignoring the file, is there anything I can do to keep myself ocupied? or something diffrent I can try to get into a trance? as this is really starting to annoy me.

PostPosted: April 16th, 2007, 11:26 am
by daxxOr
I know you use some modified version of the furry transformation file, right? Made by Loki? I don't know which induction it uses (or even where you found it, cause I don't see it in the file library) but I can tell you that the induction for the regular furry transformation file (the one by EMG) had me bored out of my skull after listening to it about 50 times... It was the constant repetition of the same phrases that did it, I think...
So anyway, I simply switched to another induction. I cut the file after the induction ended and pasted in the Elman induction in it's place.

If boredom is your main problem, I'd really give it a shot; it's more varied than the regular one... :wink:

PostPosted: April 16th, 2007, 11:28 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
Sometimes you have to be the change that you want to see.

Would you consider composing and recording your own induction?

PostPosted: April 16th, 2007, 12:03 pm
by Kanibal
Making my own induction... I could probebly do it, I've got a fairly good understnding of hypnosis, but I havent reall got a good voice, and I'd would find it a bit, strange, but I could try it.

Daxx0r, you have a PM.

PostPosted: April 16th, 2007, 12:54 pm
by susceptable
daxxOr wrote:I know you use some modified version of the furry transformation file, right? Made by Loki? I don't know which induction it uses (or even where you found it, cause I don't see it in the file library) but I can tell you that the induction for the regular furry transformation file (the one by EMG) had me bored out of my skull after listening to it about 50 times... It was the constant repetition of the same phrases that did it, I think...
So anyway, I simply switched to another induction. I cut the file after the induction ended and pasted in the Elman induction in it's place.

If boredom is your main problem, I'd really give it a shot; it's more varied than the regular one... :wink:

I was part of the forums in which the Loki file was devised. Unfortunetley, the development thread was closed down because some people were experiencing 'adverse effects' and the site didn't want to be done for it's members being harmed mentally :? I still have the file and another edited version that uses binuarals instead of an induction to take the listener into trance. Let me know if you want links/download locations posted :)

PostPosted: April 17th, 2007, 12:22 am
by whatthe75
The more your hypnotize yourself or be hypnotized the less of an induction you need.So you should pogressively have shorter and shorter inductions so that you can keep your attention span and not just goto sleep.

The fact that your mind wanders also suggests your sub concious is most probably still listening but your conscious mind is off on it's own.

When you listen to the long boring inductions - do u remember any of the body and do you wake up when the file suggests. IF you do wake up when it suggests,i'd say it is still working, it just means your going deeper and closer to a sonambulistic state.

If all else fails use a trigger to put you into trance quickly and use that in front of the file bodies.

PostPosted: April 17th, 2007, 9:42 am
by Kanibal
I would like the idea that my subconcius is still listening whilst I'm daydreaming, but being contious and remebering everything through the file . . . though now that you mention it I dont remeber exactly whats said, but then, I have a poor memorey anyhow, and if it was working, I should have seen some sort of effect by now... right?

PostPosted: April 17th, 2007, 11:37 am
by susceptable
I know that when I was listening to the file I never actually saw any hallucinations but I certainly felt something. Phantom tail/ears etc so I should think that the first effect you should be experiencing are feelings. I guess hallucinations take a lot more practice after that :?

PostPosted: April 18th, 2007, 12:40 am
by whatthe75
WHen you go deeper, you have less memory ( if any ) of the body or even some of the induction.

Just because you have listened to the file does not mean it will work straight away.Some files can take months of continous listening.

And on top of that your subconcious might not accept the contents of the file anyway.

But my advice is to continue listening.The effects can catch up on you and you might not even realise some parts of the file are working.

The most important thing is that you wake up when the file tells you to.That proves that your mind is listening.

Good luck anyway

PostPosted: July 28th, 2010, 2:05 am
by slutinmyhead
You should definitely try making your own files. It's a lot of fun. Don't worry about your voice. I didn't think mine would be good either, but it's less about voice and more about pacing and cadence. You'll be surprised how good they'll turn out.