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Cardigans Subliminal Induction?

PostPosted: June 5th, 2007, 9:57 am
by derdee

I bough Cardigans LatexTime, and especially the subliminal version is awesome. Now I tried to get one of his Inductions as a subliminal, but mainly it is only the part after you go under that is included in those files, does anybody know where I can get a full subliminal induction like in Latextime?



Re: Cardigans Subliminal Induction?

PostPosted: June 5th, 2007, 5:51 pm
by sarnoga
derdee wrote:Hey,

I bough Cardigans LatexTime, and especially the subliminal version is awesome. Now I tried to get one of his Inductions as a subliminal, but mainly it is only the part after you go under that is included in those files, does anybody know where I can get a full subliminal induction like in Latextime?



Unless the induction is also installing a trigger i'm not sure that it would do any good to have a subliminal induction. None the less, I think you managed to confuse me about what you are looking for and what you are asking for.


PostPosted: June 6th, 2007, 9:59 am
by derdee
well in LatexTime he basically uses the deep trance induction, but completely subliminal. As I am used to the normal Deep Trance, it worked very well, but I canĀ“t find the Deep Trance Induction as a complete subliminal.