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Hypno aid

PostPosted: June 12th, 2007, 3:54 pm
by littlecaltoy
Hi all
i'm trying the Hypno Aid file.
It seems to make me a bit light headed, which is find but is this the expected effect?
Also, is it supposed to make me more vulnerable to WMM files? or any hypnosis?
and (finally)... to those who have tried it... does it seem to work?
-- cal

PostPosted: June 13th, 2007, 7:18 pm
by steveluv6
Which one is this file? I looked for it. Couldn't find it.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2007, 4:36 am
by littlecaltoy
steveluv6 wrote:Which one is this file? I looked for it. Couldn't find it.

ยท Name: Hypnosis Aid, Subliminal
Description: This file essentially makes you want to be hypnotized and helps you relax and clear your mind when you do plus makes you believe you will go into a trance and such. Nothing too complicated otherwise it would work less. Listen to on loop, it does not put you into a trance, listen to it regularily ontop of other music.
Author: Mino PlayTime: 00:00:58 Added On: 2007-02-08 Downloaded: 395
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 3.0000 Total Votes: 3 Comments: 0

PostPosted: July 21st, 2007, 1:52 pm
by sabbon
Well I'm trying that atm on loop. I do feel a little weak (as in relaxed) but haven't tried a hypno file yet, will do that tomorrow and let you know!