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Never been in trance

PostPosted: July 5th, 2007, 5:13 pm
by Howie
I belive in hypnosis and its magic (I know it not really magic) but I have never been in a trance. I don't know why I normmally listen to the files laying on my bed in a dark room.

I was also wondering if listening to the file while asleep would help?

PostPosted: July 6th, 2007, 11:32 am
by arekusu
You have been in trance. I'm assuming you have a TV: when you watch something really good, and you are focused on just that, that is a trance. If you have ever driven home, sometimes it feels like you aren't doing anything, your attention might be focused somewhere else, ect... that was a trance. maybe you have read a good book recently and paid attention to only that? Thats a trance!

Trance is just a state of extreme focus. Not necessarily relaxation, however. Most people who are good at sports, they get "in the zone" when they are only focusing on the game. That is trance too!

You probably have gone into a trance listening to these files, you just haven't noticed it. It was probably a light trance, but a trance nonetheless!

On helping you trance, I suggest you find a good induction to use! There are many on this site. My top favourites are

Cardigan's Confusion Focus Induction

Blink's Basic Induction

Lutz's Bubble Induction

These always get me into a deep trance!

Also, you might want to try a deepener!

PostPosted: July 10th, 2007, 4:21 pm
by Howie
Cheers :) thats helpful