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training while going to sleep

PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 3:25 pm
by mitsakos
Hello as a new guy here i would like to ask you if there are any files that could work while i go - fall asleep, maybe if i leave them play on loop or something. Im having some trouble going under , since im usually snapping back to reality after a few secs or something , and i thought this might be a good way to train if possible.

PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 5:51 pm
by CG091581
You might be able to be hypnotized while you sleep. It doesn't matter if you cut out the inductions (they can help you stay deep enough) , though it helps to not use a wake-up. Your subconscious is still somewhat aware of your surroundings while you sleep, so you can still hear hypnotic suggestions without needing to be conscious.

I know that when I fall asleep while listening to any loop I can usually hear the files playing in my dreams. That means my subconscious is probably still paying attention to the suggestions. In some ways my dreams support the suggestions, because the themes in the dreams go along with the files I'm listening to.

PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 7:24 pm
by mattwo
and here I thought it doesn't usally work!

PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 5:55 am
by CG091581
When all you need to be hypnotized is the subconscious mind it shouldn't matter if your awake or asleep.

At least the basic suggestions should make it through to your mind while your asleep.

Files that tell you to imagine/visualize something, or files that rely on interaction might not work as effectively when your sleeping.

I'm no expert though, so I might be wrong.

PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 2:02 pm
by dumpertaker
If I were to play files on loop whilst asleep would I need to remove the awakening bit? Sorry if that seems to be a silly question. Also, would it be a good idea to remove the induction or keep it there?

PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 5:11 pm
by CG091581
There's no need to get rid of the induction(you may want to have at least one induction at the start), though it may not be necessary during sleep.

If your sleeping the awakening isn't necessary (or recommended), since you'll probably wake up naturally when you've had enough sleep. You also don't want to keep waking up after every file.

I sleep with a 6 hour loop (one full induction every hour, and the rest of the file bodies only have the countdown part of their inductions). I almost always wake up when the 6 hour loop is finished, and the talking stops.

PostPosted: July 26th, 2007, 5:00 am
by mitsakos
thank you for your help , yesterday i had my first successfull "trance" , it was more deep than the other times when i used to pop up back in the middle of the file. i have to say it felt really great and im so damn happy about it :D