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Question From a Beginner

PostPosted: September 20th, 2007, 3:48 am
by haloleader
Hi, I just started to listen to the Furry Transformation file, and I have a few questions about trance: First of all, when your in trance, are you supposed to have a memory of it? A few of the times that I listened to the file, I would have no memory from when he began the countdown to go into trance up till the countup to come out of trance. Also, if the file appeals to your subconscious mind, could you listen to it while your asleep and would it have the same effects? If I could get some help on this subject, I would really appreciate it.

Re: Question From a Beginner

PostPosted: September 20th, 2007, 9:09 am
by baby_jessica75
haloleader wrote:Hi, I just started to listen to the Furry Transformation file, and I have a few questions about trance: First of all, when your in trance, are you supposed to have a memory of it? A few of the times that I listened to the file, I would have no memory from when he began the countdown to go into trance up till the countup to come out of trance. Also, if the file appeals to your subconscious mind, could you listen to it while your asleep and would it have the same effects? If I could get some help on this subject, I would really appreciate it.

I am by no means an expert I am mostly repeating answers I have read on this forum to these same questions (now that my disclaimer is out of the way). As far as the thing about you not remembering the files as long as you come back out when the file tells this is a very good thing it means you are reaching a very deep level of trance from how I understand it! and as far as listening while you are asleep there is a chance that it may not be as effective but it can in some people be very benificial. I listen to files while I sleep because I figure that even if I am one of the type of people that it won't help it sure couldn't hurt!! I hope this helps some at least till you get an answer from someone who does know alot about it!