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Curse Body of an 18 year old girl

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2007, 2:44 pm
by Doberler
I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this file and if so, how long did the transformation take

Re: Curse Body of an 18 year old girl

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2007, 10:32 pm
by homerj1620
Doberler wrote:I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this file and if so, how long did the transformation take

I'm also very interested in hearing people's experience with this. I'm glad it's finally free as it's something I've been looking forward to for a while.

I'm currently listening to an edited version. I removed all references to becoming a girl. I've been listening to it for two days now.

Re: Curse Body of an 18 year old girl

PostPosted: November 24th, 2007, 8:21 am
by loony28
homerj1620 wrote:
Doberler wrote:I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this file and if so, how long did the transformation take

I'm also very interested in hearing people's experience with this. I'm glad it's finally free as it's something I've been looking forward to for a while.

I'm currently listening to an edited version. I removed all references to becoming a girl. I've been listening to it for two days now.

I have to ask this one question. Are you female? If you are then the parts about becoming a girl won't affect you as you would just grow younger.

Now I've listened to the file and I think there might have been some slight change though admittedly I haven't listened to it for very long. I've stopped listening to it since there might be something coming up that will be better than going through hypnosis. You may call me crazy but I believe in an astral plane of existence and my astral form is female. Well there is a barrier that seperates the astral and physical planes but it's coming down and it should be down about mid January. After that I should be getting my own astral body again instead of being stuck in this male body. Like I said you can call me crazy or deluded all you want but that's what I believe and you're not going to change my mind on that.

Re: Curse Body of an 18 year old girl

PostPosted: November 24th, 2007, 6:39 pm
by homerj1620
loony28 wrote:I have to ask this one question. Are you female? If you are then the parts about becoming a girl won't affect you as you would just grow younger.

No. I'm a guy, mid 20s. I am very interested in slowing down/reversing aging. That's my primary interest in this file for now.

PostPosted: November 28th, 2007, 6:44 pm
by homerj1620
I've uploaded my edited version of this file:

Name: Curse Body of an 18 Year Old
Description: This file is a curse and will transform your body into that of an 18 year old. The transformation is real. This is to be used by anyone over 18 years of age. It will cause your body to reverse the aging process. After reaching the age of 18 your body will once again age as normal. This is an edited version of Curse Body of an 18 Year Old Girl.
