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Question about TrainMaleSlave files

PostPosted: December 14th, 2007, 3:29 pm
by Bard
I'm planning on using these files on people who aren't expecting there some way to activate the slave training so they are enslaved by me?

Any help would be hot.

Re: Question about TrainMaleSlave files

PostPosted: December 14th, 2007, 5:40 pm
by EMG
I strongly recommend against this. If they aren't already willing they will just wake up and may be mad as heck. The files are for willing participants.

Bard wrote:I'm planning on using these files on people who aren't expecting there some way to activate the slave training so they are enslaved by me?

Any help would be hot.

Good Luck with that

PostPosted: December 15th, 2007, 10:03 pm
by Younghypnomaster
Not only would the audio introduction of the files be a give away, if they aren't into it it won't work. They would probably be a bit pissed that you tried to pull one over on them. Since the foundations of successful trances are built on trust, you'll have a pretty shaky foundation. That is if they'll want to go back under for you after you tried to make them your permanent slave. I'd say read up on some actual hypnosis articles rather then mind control fiction.

Re: Question about TrainMaleSlave files

PostPosted: December 16th, 2007, 8:19 am
by Blink
Bard wrote:I'm planning on using these files on people who aren't expecting there some way to activate the slave training so they are enslaved by me?
My first response was the same as the others. Then I took a moment to think. I might not understand exactly what you're asking.

Lemme ask you explicitly about consent. Are you planning to play these files for someone who has agreed to listen to whatever hypnosis files you want to play at them with the understanding that your choices could include the stuff you're asking about, or are you planning on walking up to someone you barely know and saying, "Hey, I just downloaded a new MP3. It's pretty amazing. Wanna hear it?"

If it's the first case, then yes, you can probably do what you're talking about. All the standard disclaimers about subject response being variable at the level of the individual still apply, but you might get the results you want. There are instructions in the forums for how to edit the files and there are lots of people who can help you with specifics.

If it's the second case, then you're asking us to help you do something that's unethical at best and potentially a crime (we're getting into felony territory here, depending on what happens after you play the MP3). Not only that, but, as the others have said, without consent, this stuff doesn't work. Trust us on that point.

Whichever one it is, if you'd like help rethinking/rephrasing your question or working out more clearly what you want, you can PM me here.

-- Blink