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Hey there!

PostPosted: February 20th, 2008, 1:18 pm
by benry
hi all! My name is benry and i'm new to the forum and to trance in general.

I must say that i never went into trance before so i've been getting some files but i never really got into trance. Just one file made me a erect my penis a bit (not too much) but it was supposed to give you an orgasm. My question is, what are some good suggestions to get into trance? Also some good induction files, u know the ones that have helped u when u first got into trance.

Another problem of mine is that english is not my native language. While i understand it very well and am able to comprehend everything that is being said in the file, that is just my conscious mind doing the work and i'm not sure if my unconscious understands what is being said. So my question is does it work for you non-native english speakers?

Also i was wondering how could you get a female orgasm if u never know how it feels like? I mean i would understand if there was a file that makes u feel like ur putting ur penis inside a vagina if u have ever done it but if u havent than how can u experience it?

Well these were my questions, hope i'm not boring or anything. Any help would be appreciated.

PostPosted: February 21st, 2008, 8:33 am
by FrankJ
Hi Benry!

Just two quick answers:

1. Yes, suggestions can work for a non-native speakers' mind. I'd say it works for anyone who understands the foreign language without needing to consciously translate the words in their mind. I am a non native speaker, and it has definately worked for me.

2. In your dreams you can feel and see many things you have never seen and felt in reality. So our mind is capable of creating such feelings. Maybe the "female orgasm" you feel will not really correspond to a real one, but your mind can create a feeling it thinks corresponds to such an orgasm.

Re: Hey there!

PostPosted: February 21st, 2008, 3:35 pm
by Henrique
benry wrote:
Another problem of mine is that english is not my native language. While i understand it very well and am able to comprehend everything that is being said in the file, that is just my conscious mind doing the work and i'm not sure if my unconscious understands what is being said. So my question is does it work for you non-native english speakers?

FrankJ wrote:
Yes, suggestions can work for a non-native speakers' mind. I'd say it works for anyone who understands the foreign language without needing to consciously translate the words in their mind. I am a non native speaker, and it has definately worked for me.

I'm too a non-native speaker, and have mild sucess with files like TrigFreeze and TrigSlave, but without knowledge with it was a real sucess or if was me playing along. I'm seeking a 'tist online so I can be sure of it. (My topic on the "Meeting Grounds" Forum)

PostPosted: February 21st, 2008, 4:07 pm
by Wildsprite
some of you might not realize it but if you feel compelled to do as the suggestion says and you don't resist even if you want to then the suggestion worked