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"Do you understand?"

PostPosted: February 29th, 2008, 8:25 pm
by Afflicting
For the stubborn friend that sometimes just needs an extra push to know what's best for them.

Complete lack of induction:

At times, people will offer their wise advise and judgment to you.
But you have a habit of ignoring them, don't you?
You should not ignore the advise of others, for it is often they'll know better than you. Do you understand?

It is frustrating for those around you if you do not listen to their wise words, and you do not want to upset people around you.

It is always best to consider the words of others.
It is never acceptable to toss aside another's advise.
Do you understand?

Some times, you will refuse to listen. You believe you know best.
This is not a good approach, and this is something you need to change.
Do you understand?

There is someone, or some ones, that you have trusted enough to participate in hypnosis with. These people, are very trusted friends.
You want to listen to your friend's advise.

Among those trusted friends, there is someone that knows you have listened to this file. This is someone, you always want to listen to.
This person knows what is best for you, and you want to obey.
Do you understand?

When someone asks you, "Do you understand?", you will tell that person that you do understand.

This question will usually come after some wise advise, and it is that advise you will take to heart and commit yourself to immediately.
Do you understand?

You have trusted this person with your mind, and you will trust this person's advise.

When you are asked, "Do you understand?" you will obey. It is the best choice for you, and you will acknowledge that.

No awakener either, I'm not sure how to manage those.

This is a script I've recently thought up, and I dumped that out in like five minutes. Not sure how well it'd be received.
