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2 Years and Still Nothing

PostPosted: March 11th, 2008, 9:39 am
by perryfletcher
I have been trying several files here for 2 years now. I really want them to work. I can clear my mind totally and concentrate on nothing but the words but when the file is over nothing happens. I do not want to give up but I am having no luck at all.

I once watched a mythbusters program where they tried to get a clinical hypnotist to hypnotise them but it had no effect but then they brought a stage hypnotist on and he touched then and the announcer said the stage hypnotist gave them a sensory overload that instantly put them in trance. It worked for all three subjects. They were instantly hypnotised.

What can I do so these files will work. I really want to use some of the pay files but do not want to spend the money if it is not going to work. At the moment I regularly use cursed corset, cursed plugs and bubble induction.

Please help me 2 years is long enough Things should be working by now.

PostPosted: March 11th, 2008, 1:52 pm
by cardigan
When you state that you can clear your mind and concentrate on the words spoken, then that might actually have something to do with your problem. If you concentrate (consciously) you are actually holding on to your conscious mind. You should just let go of the conscious in order to have your unconscious step forward. To do that just relax and think of nothing. Do not concentrate on the words. You subconscious will pick them up anyway. Try to just go blank in your mind - like when you go to sleep. if your mind wanders a little, then fine. Let your conscious mind sift though various thoughts and don't try to stop it. It is a signal that it is about to leave. At some point it will be too bored to think any more and it will shut down. That is what we want.

Good luck!!

PostPosted: March 11th, 2008, 8:22 pm
by perryfletcher
cardigan wrote:When you state that you can clear your mind and concentrate on the words spoken, then that might actually have something to do with your problem. If you concentrate (consciously) you are actually holding on to your conscious mind. You should just let go of the conscious in order to have your unconscious step forward. To do that just relax and think of nothing. Do not concentrate on the words. You subconscious will pick them up anyway. Try to just go blank in your mind - like when you go to sleep. if your mind wanders a little, then fine. Let your conscious mind sift though various thoughts and don't try to stop it. It is a signal that it is about to leave. At some point it will be too bored to think any more and it will shut down. That is what we want.

Good luck!!

This is great I will give this a try. All the files I have listened to says to relax and listen to what I am saying. It took me forever to keep my mind from wondering off so from now on I will just let it wander off. Thank you. Your latexprison file is my ultimate goal. That is the file I really want but just want to make sure I can be hypnotised before I buy it.

PostPosted: March 13th, 2008, 5:57 pm
by perryfletcher
Okay I have tried something new. Now when I am listening to a file I do not concentrate on what is being said. Now I just clear my mind of all preconceived notions of what is suppose to happen and just listen to the words. Now When I listen I get very relaxed and do not remember listing to the last parts of the file. I just come too when 5 is reached. I still herd all the words but just do not remember what was said. I think this is how I am suppose to feel but I am not real sure. Although I have been doing it this way for the last 2 days I still have not had any results.

PostPosted: March 14th, 2008, 12:21 pm
by cardigan
Well, you're doing it right, but you need to relax and give it more time now! You mind is still pretty preconcieved about it probably not working, because now that you've been trying for 2 years!........

Just relax, listen to the file, let yourself go and don't worry.

PostPosted: March 14th, 2008, 7:19 pm
by perryfletcher
I tried something a little simpler. I tried the trigfreeze file and freeze trigger. I was impressed after only one use when I herd the trigger I felt my body tingle all over and felt as if it would be too hard to move. I know I could have moved if I wanted to but I just did not want to. I will consider this a success for now. I have not attained the same results or anything better since then though. I will keep trying this is too important to me.