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Light Trance to Deep

PostPosted: April 7th, 2008, 1:28 am
by FrozenRose
If you can get into trance just abit, there is a very good chance I can get you deep, really deep in trance, that would really help then you can listen to any files and they will work better or fully. I helped a couple already, thought I would offer this in the right area, Take care.

=3 Have all Messagers now. Check below.

PostPosted: May 11th, 2008, 2:42 pm
by ZealousEntropy
I might be interested in this. I tried my first trance earlier last night, and got into a fairly decent one. Then everyone started waking up, a cat somehow got into my room and jumped on me, and broke it. I'd like to be able to completely ignore people making noise, and get really lost in the sequences. Also, I tried a few of the trigger sequences, and I can't get them to work. The Victorian sequence worked somewhat well. I felt a definite weight on my chest, but I couldn't actually picture myself moving around, or feeling too different aside from that.

If nothing else, it'd be great just to have someone new to chat with, I 'spose.

PostPosted: May 12th, 2008, 5:26 am
by poetzero
I'm always looking for assistance in deepening my trances. Best bet is catching me in AIM. Please do.


PostPosted: May 12th, 2008, 8:38 am
by cisvestite
Hi. I'd also be interested if you could help me with this sometime.

I'll send you my screen name in a private message.

PostPosted: May 15th, 2008, 1:39 pm
by ebbluminous

I would really like some help with moving from a light to deep trance. I've noticed that when i run an induction now, my legs will will stop moving almost straight away and my eyes will close and I'm unable to open them, but found that what happens to my legs doesn't happen to my arms. It can also be easy to be snapped out of it if say there was a sudden noise etc. I've felt what I beleive to be a deep trance happen a couple of times, but can't seem to remain in it or work out how to get to it easier again...