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German files

PostPosted: June 26th, 2005, 1:54 pm
by snow
Hello everybody,
I just found your webseide and had to join. I am german and into these hypnotic fantasies for a long time. So I tried some of the files. There are great its nice listening but despite my english is very good ( I can think in the language) I am not sure if they will have an inffluence on me because its not my mother tonge.

So i just wonder if there are aplace where I can finde some german self hypnosis files.

greets snow

PostPosted: June 26th, 2005, 8:03 pm
by Jack
In all likelihood because english is not your first language, the files will affect you more deeply and thoroughly. Also, they will most likely work more quickly.

Re: German files

PostPosted: June 26th, 2005, 11:02 pm
by sandy82
Sehr geehrter Herr Schnee!

Willkommen! Ich hoffe dass es Ihnen heute Nacht ausgezeichnet geht. Auch bin ich sehr glücklich dass Sie uns besucht haben.

You have just exhausted my university German!

Jack is much more knowledgeable on hypnosis than I am, and I defer to his judgment on the files. However, if you still want to find a German site, you might use the Google search engine. Set the language to German. Then use the German equivalents of "hypnosis" and "MP3"--or whatever words you think are most suitable--to search for German-language sites. I can tell you that it is very unusual to find a site as generous as this one, where so many files are available gratis.

I hope that the foregoing is useful!

Beste Begrüssungen von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika!

snow wrote:Hello everybody,
I just found your webseide and had to join. I am german and into these hypnotic fantasies for a long time. So I tried some of the files. There are great its nice listening but despite my english is very good ( I can think in the language) I am not sure if they will have an inffluence on me because its not my mother tonge.

So i just wonder if there are aplace where I can finde some german self hypnosis files.

greets snow

PostPosted: June 27th, 2005, 12:58 am
by snow
thanks for the anwers.
I listend to some of them but i still have some troubles to relax totaly. Every time when i feel like slipping away something inside me gets nervous or anxious and i wake up

PostPosted: June 27th, 2005, 12:59 am
by vienna68
Hallo snow!

Glaub mir, es wirkt!
Hab nur etwas Geduld!

PostPosted: June 27th, 2005, 5:26 am
by snow
ja ich "übe" fleißig bis jetzt finde ich die files schön entspannend auch wenn ich noch keine wirkung merke

even if i cannot feel an change the files are very relaxing