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need some help

PostPosted: May 6th, 2008, 1:08 pm
by meganox123
Hey I've been trying out a few hypnosis files made by EMG and I'm not really being affected by them. I think that I am going into a slight trance but that is is. Is there anything that can help out with this?

Also I would like to know if the files only work on a mp3?

PostPosted: May 7th, 2008, 9:09 am
by pimmholly
Hi meganox123,
There are others here more experienced and knowledgeable than I but I will give my advice anyway.
I would suggest working, at first, with just a simple induction/awakener file and just practice. Don't try anything complicated at first, no triggers or training, just relax and practice going into and out of trance. It can take a while so try to be patient.
There are many different types of inductions, not all work for all people, so try different inductions and , for that matter, different hypnotists, until you find some that you feel comfortable with.
Going into trance is a skill that can be learned, so be patient and practice.

good luck

PostPosted: May 7th, 2008, 10:26 pm
by saren88
I've been in the same boat for quite some time now, so I'll throw my two cents in and share a couple tips I've discovered for myself so far.

If you can sort of wind yourself down before trying any hypnosis it could help a lot. I've had a ton of trouble myself when it comes to deepening trances and the only way I can get minor progress is by laying back and winding myself down a bit beforehand. The very small successes I've had so far (phasing in and out of awareness on a couple of occasions) probably wouldn't have happened without it. It's difficult to explain exactly what I do since it often changes, but usually I can slip into a shallow trance before I even play a file. I guess it gives me a head start of a sort. :)

I don't remember when I last posted here, but it's been a few weeks. In that time frame I've gotten a general idea regarding what works best, and found out it takes me a *very* long time to achieve a halfway decent trance. It's certainly not a process for the impatient if you're not lucky enough to have a high level of susceptibility to trance.

You may also want to look into deepeners. I always find myself totally alert by the end of an induction phase, with my analytic mind picking everything apart. Could you describe a bit what you mean by a slight trance?

PostPosted: May 8th, 2008, 10:27 pm
by meganox123
Well I have a hard time keeping my eyes open for so long then I can open them again even though everything is still happening and my body does go a little numb. Both the tingling and the painful types of numb.

I'm now losing most feeling in my fingers.