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question about EMG hypnosis files.

PostPosted: May 15th, 2008, 11:55 pm
by meganox123
Should I have my eyes closed or do I keep them open or what?

PostPosted: May 16th, 2008, 12:27 am
by missypuss
Close them, keep them open, it doesnt really seem to matter much...

Re: question about EMG hypnosis files.

PostPosted: May 16th, 2008, 5:58 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
meganox123 wrote:Should I have my eyes closed or do I keep them open or what?
missypuss is right.

Every day of our lives, we enjoy trance with our eyes open.

    - Whenever we quietly ride an elevator, lost in thought... that's trance.

    - Something as simple as lifting a forkful of food partway to the mouth - and then just holding it there to finish speaking... even THAT's trance. It's trance because its something we put out of conscious awareness for a few moments. We momentarily allow ourselves to forget about it - completely confident it will be there for the moment when the conscious mind brings it back into focus.

    Now that you're aware of it, you're prepared to notice it with your eyes open.
And now that you know trance is every little thing you do unconsciously - I wonder if you'll find yourself noticing more.

You can if you want to.

Whenever you're working on something important - fully concentrating on the detail - have you noticed how irritating unwanted noise can be? It's a distraction.

When a hypnotist invites you to close your eyes, its something simple. As you close your eyes, you shut off a source of sensory stimulation. Closing your eyelids simply allows you to focus with fewer distractions.

PostPosted: May 16th, 2008, 1:17 pm
by Teltroxine
surely this would mean that we could run files as background music whilst doing other things and they would work

PostPosted: May 16th, 2008, 5:42 pm
by whatthe75
Teltroxine wrote:surely this would mean that we could run files as background music whilst doing other things and they would work

It is possible.

You can make amazing changes in people with everyday languange when people are out of trance. You can mark certain parts of your language to get the same change. You can make subtle language changes that would target the subconcious.But you need to be good.

Hypnosis just opens the doorway so that everything that is said acts like a command to the subconious. But as most hypnosis suggestions take this into account,they do not have the subtle changes, so they would not be as effective in the waking state.

PostPosted: May 16th, 2008, 9:15 pm
by MN_FriendlyGuy
Teltroxine wrote:surely this would mean that we could run files as background music whilst doing other things and they would work

The 'hunger' for trance can be as voracious and ravenous as the feeling of an empty, growling belly. Sometimes, you just need to sink your teeth into something substantial.

As you pursue the hunger, it's important to understand trance is a state of mind. It's not a technique.

Yes, listening to hypnosis mp3s while doing other things can yield results. Perhaps you've experienced the phenomenon of remembering lyrics to a song even though you heard it just once... and even though you weren't paying attention?

This method works. But it's merely a snack; an appetizer

By comparison, you can immerse yourself fully in trance - feeling feminine, or obedient, or aroused.

And this, my friend, is a banquet - eyes open or shut.

PostPosted: May 17th, 2008, 4:57 am
by Teltroxine
so do you do it with your eyes open or shut?

i personaly choose to shut mine

PostPosted: July 18th, 2008, 10:46 pm
by ranmafan
i cant keep my eyes open when i listen to one. when he counts down my eyes shut automatically. i cant help closing em. so i obviously cant be listenin to it while doing something. lol i can see that now. cutting the grass, all of a sudden i close my eyes and run into a tree!

PostPosted: July 20th, 2008, 7:12 am
by liljonny
ranmafan wrote:i cant keep my eyes open when i listen to one. when he counts down my eyes shut automatically. i cant help closing em. so i obviously cant be listenin to it while doing something. lol i can see that now. cutting the grass, all of a sudden i close my eyes and run into a tree!

I have seen warnings about this. I don't know if it was here or other places.

A subliminal is different and can be listened to while doing other things, but is usually not as effective a a hypnotic file.

PostPosted: July 28th, 2010, 12:47 am
by slutinmyhead
I usually watch a slideshow dirty images related to the file. Sometimes my eyes close, particularly if told they are.