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Victorian Girl: What decade?

PostPosted: July 11th, 2008, 7:05 am
by Hurrr
I want to research Victorian woman's wear so I can visualize the file better, but I don't know which type because Victorian fashion changed though the decades. Cardigan, if you see this thread, could you tell me which decade it's from?

[url=]From here[/url]

There is a timeline at the bottom of the page, just tell me which decade I should research. Thanks.

PostPosted: July 12th, 2008, 5:35 am
by Detestai
Just google it, you will find victorian era clothing is all quite similar.

PostPosted: July 12th, 2008, 7:50 pm
by Hurrr
Detestai wrote:Just google it, you will find victorian era clothing is all quite similar.

It's not all the same, and I want to get the most accurate visualization that I can.

PostPosted: July 12th, 2008, 11:16 pm
by PS360
Watch Pride and Predijuce.

PostPosted: July 13th, 2008, 7:38 am
by loony28
Hurrr wrote:
Detestai wrote:Just google it, you will find victorian era clothing is all quite similar.

It's not all the same, and I want to get the most accurate visualization that I can.

Here's a thought, just pick the decade you want. I don't think Cardigan had any particiular decade in mind.

PostPosted: July 13th, 2008, 4:27 pm
by Dogboy
PS360 wrote:Watch Pride and Predijuce.

Pride and Prejudice takes place before the Victorian Age, but anyway if you don't get the specific answer you want, the 1880s - 1890s fashion I'd imagine would be what the average person would think of when thinking of the Victorian Age.

PostPosted: July 13th, 2008, 5:48 pm
by Teltroxine
yeah just pick the one you like best

PostPosted: July 14th, 2008, 4:31 am
by cardigan
Well, I am no great knower of fashion, but I know what I like :-)! I wasn't thinking so much of the early stages of Victorian fashion. More of the later years, where corsets and petticoats became the thing. I remember looking a lot in Wikipedia prior to making the file. There were some very inspiring pictures of Victorian fashion, that I used to visualise. I think it must be the late Victorian period. Think of Sherlock Holmes and the ladies fashions usually depicted in the many TV stories with him.

I hope that helps, but like loony28 said: you can use the file with virtually any period of the Victorian age, where corset and petticoats are in use, and it will work fine, and you subconscious will create the images for you, that you want to use with it.

Best wishes and thanks for your interest!


PostPosted: July 14th, 2008, 10:16 am
by Hurrr
Thanks everyone.

PostPosted: July 21st, 2008, 12:29 pm
by mokillo
A very interesting question indeed.

PostPosted: July 23rd, 2008, 11:10 am
by Jane_the_Bane
PS360 wrote:Watch Pride and Predijuce.

Nope. "Pride and Prejudice" takes place in the Regency period, more than a decade before Victoria ascended to the throne and thus ushered in the period that is named after her.

They didn't wear corsets, either, instead prefering dresses that, to me, look like fashion for pregnant women.