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Discrepancy between premium and free files?

PostPosted: July 11th, 2008, 4:46 pm
by Henrique
The title is too short to demonstrate all my doubt. See, there are always new premium files, lets say, once a week, we can assume that we'll always have a new free file once a week (the premium who was posted six months before). But I don't see new files on "Files - New/Top 10" for a while...

edited to organize the mess (alterations are italic. also, thanks EMG for the reply.[/i]

Re: Discrepancy between premium and free files?

PostPosted: July 11th, 2008, 7:43 pm
by EMG
As best I can tell the code is working properly. A few months back I extended the length things are premium from 4 to 6 months(To answer the obvious question, NO I do not plan to increase it again). I checked the database and the next free file shoud be "SissyWetter" which will become available on July 18th. Unfortunately, due to a design glitch files that I add as non-premium get listed before newly available premium files. I'll see if I can fix that.

Henrique wrote:The title is too short to demonstrate all my doubt. See, I there are always new premium files, lets say, once a week, we can assume that we'll always have a new premium file once a week (the premium who was posted six months before). But I don't see new files on "Files - New/Top 10" for a while...

PostPosted: July 11th, 2008, 8:52 pm
by PS360