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i just can't seem to go under...

PostPosted: July 31st, 2008, 1:04 am
by tehgunnman
i have tried 7 different induction files, all rated above 3, and i just can't go under.

and all i want to use is the ultra lucid dream file, that's it, mainly cause I never remember any of my dreams, and the ones I do, I wish I hadn't. (the main indecation being waking up with tears in my eyes) so I want to have some good dreams that i remember, that's all. heck, i don't even know how efective the file is cause I never get that far. I have (possibly) gone under once, but i was tired, so i think i might have fallen asleep during, but not into a trance.

I would really like some advice, thanks in advance.

PostPosted: July 31st, 2008, 2:07 pm
by Aestrius
I personally prefer lilcaltoy's induction, it is the best ive listened to and it really brings you down good, I usually listen to it while doing yardwork or things that I cant bear to do, and I just end up taking it nice and slow and easy, not caring if someone goes wrong or anything, and once I realize im in this state, I can usually always trance within a few minutes if I decide I want to, this is the only way I can though, getting really relaxed while awake, and then moving onwards to a full trance, if I try it starting fully awake I end up just above a trance.

PostPosted: August 29th, 2008, 6:32 pm
by MacGyver
let the mind wander eh? if i let mine wander, i never hear any of the file and never hit trance.


PostPosted: August 29th, 2008, 6:59 pm
by BeMine
I always recommend Blink's Induction. I've never had a report where it didn't have some effect on whoever listens to it, unless they are intentionally bothered by the idea of going into trance, but are listening to try to prove hypnosis isn't real.

Re: i just can't seem to go under...

PostPosted: August 30th, 2008, 2:44 am
by whatthe75
tehgunnman wrote:i have tried 7 different induction files, all rated above 3, and i just can't go under.


How are you not going into trance?