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Physical changes?

PostPosted: August 10th, 2008, 2:44 pm
by schutz420
I'm new to hypnosis and was wondering if it really is possible to achieve physical changes from it and if so how does it work?

PostPosted: August 12th, 2008, 7:25 am
by loony28
I do believe, at least consciously, that physical transformation can happen. I'm sure that you've heard stories about people with multiple personalities, how things like eye color and birth marks change when different personalities are in control. Now there are people on here that will tell you that it isn't possible. Don't listen to them, make up your own mind. If you think you have any doubts in your subconscious you could try affirmations to change it. I recently heard that in 15 minutes a day you can reprogram your subconscious using affirmations. I can't recall if the person said a specific length of days but I did hear the 15 minutes. Maybe one affirmation could be along the lines of "Physical transformations are real. Hypnosis can cause physical transformations.". I hope this helps you.

PostPosted: August 12th, 2008, 1:52 pm
by Henrique
I, for example, find too difficult to physical changes exist outside of hallucinations or a pathologic process, since I'm studying for become a medical doctor and accept the probabilities of such event to occur to be close to zero.

A heated discussion happened at here, but both sides didn't changed their minds: one because of lack of evidence it can happen; the other by lack of evidences it can't happen. (it being physical transformations induced by hypnosis)

I truly hope you do a research and find your answer to this question.

Writing this below so I do not make a double post

Now there are people on here that will tell you that it isn't possible. Don't listen to them, make up your own mind.

Loony, you're being contraditory. How can you order him to not listen to the other side of the discussion and make his own mind? By telling him to not listen to the others, you aren't allowing him to think by himself. Let him enter the discussion, read about, search, think, and then he'll choose what side to join.

PostPosted: August 12th, 2008, 5:58 pm
by whatthe75
Well i for one believe without a doubt it is possible - because i have seen it. I have induced breasts growth in my wife using hypnosis and a few NLP techniques.

On the other side of the spectrum i have reduced and am still reducing a large vericous ( please excuse the spelling ) vein in my leg using purely hypnosis.

PostPosted: August 15th, 2008, 9:37 pm
by loony28
Henrique wrote:I, for example, find too difficult to physical changes exist outside of hallucinations or a pathologic process, since I'm studying for become a medical doctor and accept the probabilities of such event to occur to be close to zero.

A heated discussion happened at here, but both sides didn't changed their minds: one because of lack of evidence it can happen; the other by lack of evidences it can't happen. (it being physical transformations induced by hypnosis)

I truly hope you do a research and find your answer to this question.

Writing this below so I do not make a double post

Now there are people on here that will tell you that it isn't possible. Don't listen to them, make up your own mind.

Loony, you're being contraditory. How can you order him to not listen to the other side of the discussion and make his own mind? By telling him to not listen to the others, you aren't allowing him to think by himself. Let him enter the discussion, read about, search, think, and then he'll choose what side to join.

Ok what I meant was don't blindly listen to those that say it isn't possible.

PostPosted: August 16th, 2008, 6:27 am
by Henrique
So do you allow me to say:

Don't blindly listen to those that say it is possible.


PostPosted: August 16th, 2008, 7:26 am
by loony28
Urban wrote:Exactly, it goes both ways.

Find the truth for yourself. Don't rely on others :P

Well unless you do the research yourself you have to rely at least somewhat on others. Here's something fo ryou though. There have been scientific studies done to see what the mind can do. Now they have been small studies in that they weren't attempting to change much. These studies were controlled scientific experiments. One was to see if the mind could heal red blood cells in a solution of salt water. One vial was the control and the other a healer tried healling the red blood cells. The red blood cells that where subjected to the healling lasted longer than the ones in the control vial. There have been experiments to control the growth of plants. Some of these experiments were done over some distance away.

Now if the human mind can affect stuff like that over some distance then I have to ask you. Why can't the human mind cause physical changes in your own body?

PostPosted: August 16th, 2008, 8:58 pm
by mudkips
Source on those experiments, i'd be interested to see them.

PostPosted: August 16th, 2008, 9:19 pm
by Kenn
In my opinion you should just try one of the transformation over the course of like a month and see if it works. That is the only way you'll know for certain.

PostPosted: August 16th, 2008, 10:20 pm
by loony28
mudkips wrote:Source on those experiments, i'd be interested to see them.

I'll have to look them up but it shouldn't be a problem. In the meantime take a look at this little article I found.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2008, 3:03 pm
by Henrique
Kenn wrote:In my opinion you should just try one of the transformation over the course of like a month and see if it works. That is the only way you'll know for certain.

A great idea, Kenn. It's by experimentation that we know what happen or not.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2008, 4:14 pm
Anything which psychology can change physically can be change via hypnosis.

Example, level of stress. Has physical manifestations. Can be reduced through hypnosis.

Relflexes to pain. Can be nullified by hypnosis, a la anaesthetic. Recently the NHS in the UK has started experimentally allowing surgery to be performed without chemical anaethetic, rather using hypontic trance. Of course the patient was regularly hynotised by his therapist, and so was able to trance deep easily.

Any reaction to sensation, essentially. Someone cold can be made to sweat in hypnosis, and someone hot can be made to shiver. Orgasms can be induced. I'd assume vomiting and other physical reflexes would also be able to be induced, though I can't imagine why.

However, anything can be hallucinated, with enough hypnosis. So physical changes can be hallucinated, and in that state, for all intents and purposes, they're real physical changes. The mind does this while dreaming and can be tricked into doing the same while awake.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2008, 11:18 pm
by SkepticWill
Uh, real quick, do you think anyone could make a hypnosis file for me to change my eye color? I'm sick of brown, and I hate contacts. :P It'd be interesting to see if it'd work.

PostPosted: August 18th, 2008, 5:04 am
by whatthe75
I have heard of people that have restored there sight ( not from blindness ) but from slight inperfections,so it could be possible.

PostPosted: August 18th, 2008, 5:22 am
by FloridaPuppy
whatthe75 wrote:I have heard of people that have restored there sight ( not from blindness ) but from slight inperfections,so it could be possible.

The lense is controlled by muscles. Some types of imperfections can be helped simply by exercising those muscles. Hypnotizing someone to do those exercises subconsciously or more often would have predictable results.