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Learning to go into trance

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2005, 7:52 pm
by freespirit
Hello everyone,

I have been interested in hypnosis for many years but unfortunately have had little sucess with it. I saw a hypnotherapist for a while about 10 years ago and I was never able to go fully under. I have over the last year tried various of the induction recordings with limited sucess. Usually I play 3 in a row so that I might go deeper. Sometimes I fall asleep and wake up when they are done. I did feel myself go into it once when my body and arms got so heavy that they were very hard to lift. It was really odd.

I don't know if having a background with Buddhist meditation is interfering or not.

This is something I hear that even if I am not a natural it is a skill I can learn. I am working at it. Any tips?

I am looking forward to hearing some sucess stories.


Re: Learning to go into trance

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2005, 8:00 pm
I dont really do anything special when I listen to the tapes, it just comes naturally to me.. Hey look at this, and see if you have any success.. This is a lucid dreaming site, but it has a nice tutorial for self hypnotism.

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2005, 8:39 pm
by freespirit

I am reading it now!


PostPosted: April 3rd, 2005, 10:37 pm
by Zealous
Also it's best to try doing it in a nice quiet place. The less distractions the better... and honestly if you're into meditation already that should help. Just trying to center yourself on the words and letting everything else fall away.

I suppose it also has to do with wanting to be told what to do, wanting to submit to the files, willing to lose control. That sort of thing. So even if you have a lot of willpower you can use it against yourself.

PostPosted: April 4th, 2005, 9:57 pm
by freespirit
In meditation I have to be aware and just 'be'. There is a surrender of sorts... a release of all expectations and preconceptions, but perhaps it is different than in hypnosis.

Being able to relax to the point of total vulnerability is very difficult for me and that may be the problem. (Odd actually as I love being controlled in a d/s environment). I do WANT to submit and loose control, but actually doing it seems to be another matter when it comes to hypnosis. I tried doing certain programs but now I just practice the deeping exercises here just learning to go in and out of trance, knowing that I will be completely safe doing them.

I do a pretty good job of finding quiet time and usually do it when I am alone at home. That does certainly help.

As I said I some times wake up at the end of a session not knowing that I had fallen asleep? I don't know if it actually was trance or if I just fell asleep when I let myself relax. What is the experience of trance when you folks are under? How can you tell?

I am of an introspective intellectual orientation with a fairly extensive university education. Maybe I am over intellectualizing? Maybe it is just hard for my mind to let go.

Being about to do this is important to me, not just for kicks, but also I think that hypnosis can be a key for me in many different ways.

Anyway, thank you for the advice you have given so far. I am open to hearing what all of you have to say. This board is a great resource as we can tap into a very wide array of personal experience.

And yes...Freedom IS a very frightening thought.


PostPosted: April 5th, 2005, 12:20 pm
freespirit wrote:As I said I some times wake up at the end of a session not knowing that I had fallen asleep? I don't know if it actually was trance or if I just fell asleep when I let myself relax. What is the experience of trance when you folks are under? How can you tell?

Yeah your falling asleep. Dont do them when your sleepy, try to do them when your relaxed, but fully alert. Because when your under a trance its just focusing and listening to every word that your being told. All a trance really is is, is a state of deep relaxation, and focusing on a voice or a self-thought withought distraction, but being fully aware and obedient to that voice or self thought.


PostPosted: April 6th, 2005, 1:07 pm
by mediafaction
meditation is probably the best practice for hypnosis.

i would suggest seeing a pro. hypnotherapist; once you feel what it's like to go into trance you'll be able to do it on your own a lot easier.

PostPosted: April 7th, 2005, 4:52 am
by Kendai
i'm having troble staying focused on the induction, i get bored with listening, and start thinking of other things.

is there an alternate induction for this?

PostPosted: April 7th, 2005, 4:57 am
by makidas
i use acid to splice files together, i find the confusion induction works best for me, for instance i spliced it with trainnotshy, listened to it once and it worked great, first try, might be worth a look ehh?

PostPosted: April 10th, 2005, 2:20 am
by loadedkaos
As I have said in a previous post, we have all been in trance before so get it out of your head that you can't enter trance because you have.

I notice a couple of common myths being thrown around here so maybe if I dispell them it might help some people out but let me just say I am not an expert but I have read alot of books on the subject written by proffesional hypnotist.

I suppose it also has to do with wanting to be told what to do, wanting to submit to the files, willing to lose control. That sort of thing. So even if you have a lot of willpower you can use it against yourself.

If you didn't have willpower you wouldn't be able to focus on the words. Now I do hear alot of talk about relaxing witch is important although I wish emg would come out with more files that don't require you to relax because honestly hypnosis has nothing to do with relaxing. Don't get me wrong relaxing helps alot especially when the hypnotist is telling you to relax something else your willpower will help you with. The whole being hypnotized while falling asleep is debateable, some professionals say it can I guess it's probably different on an individual basis.

Jeese I think I go into trance a bit when I type this because before I know it I have more than I intended to type. Just remember you pick the files, and emg or anyother hypnotist is basicly helping you, now you want to be helped right? If it is a yes your saying to yourself then congradulations you have just discovered who is in control of you being hypnotized. The truth is if you want to be hypnotized then you will be sure it will take some practice but anything worth doing does, you may even mess a bit but sort
of thing happens in the beginning.

still not given up hope

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 12:49 am
by freespirit
Thanks for the replies folks.

Btw.. what is the 'acid' that you use to splice files? Sounds like a useful program.


Re: still not given up hope

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 11:12 am
by Lord_Mizaru
freespirit wrote:Thanks for the replies folks.

Btw.. what is the 'acid' that you use to splice files? Sounds like a useful program.


Acid is an audio editing program. A fairly simple one, but useful for tasks such as that. Personally I like using Sound Forge, it's a bit of a bigger program without being too complex for your average joe to use. Audio program can cost a pretty penny though, but if you're interested in them you'll be able to find a goodly assortment at a music shop (meaning Guitar Center as opposed to Tower) or somewhere like that, and the folks there could tell you what you'd need to know about them.


PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 1:20 pm
by rodentgrl
It's not pretty, or the most efficient... but if you use XP or something, the Windows Movie Maker will allow you to splice any of the files any way you want. A simple program to convert WMA back into MP3's will solve the oversized & propiatary format problem and it's fairly simple to use, since it was meant for idiots to do their home movies with

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

After all, I made one that keeps me in a trance for almost 5 hours

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 6:19 pm
by makidas
i downloaded my copy of acid off of kazaa, free of charge, though you can also get it on limewire. also dbpoweramp is available free on, and it converts audiofiles to whatever you want. also musicmatch jukeboz is very useful for recording your own mp3s. lata!! :D

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:07 pm
by Folsom_god
or you could get fruity loops and put some phat ass beats to it!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:20 pm
by makidas
actually guitar studio is a loteasier to make drum beats!!, you can export direct to midi!! :lol:

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:23 pm
by Folsom_god
is it free

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:23 pm
by danmalara
fruity loops is hard with voices

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:24 pm
by Folsom_god

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:35 pm
by makidas
actually, yes! well, sort of, but not the cakewalk one, the software is maid by some french independent programmer, if you search guitarstudio on yahoo, im sure you can find it. when u do go to his page and download the shareware version, then go to yahoo agaain and then search guitar studio x.x(aka version number) and key, or crack, and you'll find the password. enter the password and your all registered up! sic6sic

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:41 pm
by danmalara
what is this for?? fruity loops or something else??

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:48 pm
by makidas
guitar studio, good program for making drum beats, rhythems, and loops