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Noob: not working

PostPosted: January 28th, 2009, 11:34 pm
by xuuchilbara
Listened to 2 induction files so far, (Lutz's Bubble Induction, which I've listened to twice, and Cardigan's Deep Trance). They haven't worked.

One time, while listening to Lutz's Bubble Induction, I felt like I was about to go...I felt a slight tingling sensation, and my "vision" (my eyes were closed) all seemed to be going one color, like a solid light-orange. But once I realized I might be about to go under, my heart started beating really fast, and I guess that broke it.

So, from reading on the forums a bit, I predict you will all tell me to just keep listening to the files over and over? Any other suggestions?

Edit: Also, I forgot to ask, how exactly do I know if I've been in a trance? Maybe I was in a trance during the second time I listened to Bubble Induction. Toward the end, I felt extremely relaxed, almost asleep, but I was still aware of what was going on, and could have moved, opened my eyes, stopped listening, etc., if I had tried. I was under the impression trances were basically being unconscious and not remembering.

PostPosted: January 29th, 2009, 1:18 am
by whatthe75
It's more than likely just nervousness in entering something new.

But it could also be your unconcious objecting.Go inside and ask your unconcious if it has any objections to you going into and enjoying and experience trance fully.Only ask once.

Tell me what answer you get.

PostPosted: January 29th, 2009, 11:48 am
by cardigan
Well, 3 times isn't very much to go on. It took me the better part of an entire spring season with almost daily listenings to learn how to trance. So it can be tough going. On the plus side - I can now go into trance at the drop of a hat!

No, you cannot equal the feeling of being in trance to being unconscious and not remembering anything. It happens, but not to all, and usually not in the beginning. We all go in and out of light trances repeatedly and completely automatic all day long - every day. That is - if we're members of the human race! :-) Being able to trance is our trademark. But it takes time and trust and belief.

You can always bring yourself out of trance if you want to or need to. Trance is not mind-control either, although some (lots of people) have wet dreams thinking it is. When the hypnotist on the file tells you that you should now relax a certain limb or your eyes to the point where they are so relaxed that when you maintain that state of relaxation, your muscles in that area just wouldn't work, then - if you choose to relax those parts so much that the muscles just don't work, then they won't be able to. BUT if you allow yourself to remove that level of relaxation, then the muscles will indeed begin to work and you will be able to move that arm or whatever it is. BUT if you don't you won't, and this is what it is about. You allow yourself to follow through and the reward is, that the more you do it, the more it becomes a given thing, and at some point - when spring is come and gone - for instance, you will go so deep, that you have no idea.

Just keep trying and don't fight it - work with it!

Best of wishes


PostPosted: January 29th, 2009, 3:31 pm
by xuuchilbara
I've seen a number of people say things like "Oh hay it worked my first time!" that I figured a few times should do it. I'll stick with it. In the meantime, at least I feel really rested and refreshed after listening.

an easy assumption to make around here

PostPosted: January 30th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by Calimore
I know what you mean, xuuchilbara - when I first started here I thought that three weeks was a long time to practice. I now know that it is the average amount of time it takes most people to learn to trance. But it was worth the wait. :wink:

Just don't make the mistake of stopping your practicing when you finally reach a noticeable trance. There are helper files for deepening and accelerating the process that you can continue to listen to when you use along the files you are wanting to master to make the task easier and even more enjoyable. Cardigan has put out a couple that I really enjoy using, even still, and EMG has several worth checking out.

So, best of luck! It's gonna happen, it's just a matter of time. You know that now, right? So, now ask yourself, just before you listen to a file, "Okay, Deep, Unconscious Mind of mine, what's it gonna be? Later? Come on - you know this is what you want anyway. Why not sooner?"