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Why are Curses?

PostPosted: May 4th, 2009, 8:51 pm
by Leo_W
I'm not sure the correct place to drop this question, so I'll put it here. :)

Why are some files referred to as curses? Some of them sound self-explanatory; some of the files don't sound like something one would wish for. But it that's the case, then presumably one would not download them. I personally would not wish away my privates, nor would wish for myself compulsive behaviors that I wouldn't find enjoyable. But there are things, like a permanent self-image of being a young, virile (or nubile) 18-year-old or carefree pre-adolescent, that I would find quite a boon.

So ... why are they called curses?

PostPosted: May 4th, 2009, 10:20 pm
by Krysta
The curses are curses because they are built to be exceptionally hard to remove. If it's something you want, this is never an issue for you, but should you change your mind, they are specifically phrased in such a way you'd need to pay to buy the removal file to be rid of the suggestions again.

PostPosted: May 5th, 2009, 10:19 am
by Leo_W
Oh my - that's a fascinating implication of this kind of induction! We were talking yesterday in the chat room about curses and it sounded that the term simply meant persistent aftereffects. But yes - I can see how one might find even a beneficial-seeming PHS something that one might not want all day every day.

The goose who lays golden eggs was a boon with the first few eggs, but after she wrecked the kingdom's economy and (somehow) reproduced, edging out normal geese and making edible eggs nearly unattainable, the king would pay someone a real, edible egg up front to get rid of the magic geese.

Or perhaps a better example would be the Twilight Zone episode with the alchemist selling the very inexpensive love potion and the very, very expensive love stopper antidote for it. ;)

All this notwithstanding, I would love to be a RL prepubescent all day every day. :)

PostPosted: June 15th, 2009, 12:09 pm
by MasterHMH
Leo_W wrote:All this notwithstanding, I would love to be a RL prepubescent all day every day. :)

Well, the obvious solution is to try the file!