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Looking for a live session to help me trance...

PostPosted: May 15th, 2009, 6:12 pm
by SamStrife
Hello there, I've been trtying to get into a proper terance for so long now, but it just isn't working. My minds way too analytical of the whole thing, so despite my wanting to go under, Im'm constantly analyzing what's happening.

I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to help me get into a trance with a quick live session over the internet.

I'd be so gratefull if possible, pm me please if you can.

Thanks in advance.

PostPosted: May 15th, 2009, 7:08 pm
by MacGyver
well, i dont know about live session, but, as soon as i get it tweaked with feedback from people testing it, i have an induction i will post here on WMM which is meant to put you into trance, and should help you trance again in the future, it is extremely close to what i used to do 20 years ago to get subjects into trance in person. plus, i am going to make the file so it will give you a sign when you are ready to try other trance files.

on subject remembers the elevator starting to go down, but that is about it so far, i await more feedback from this person in another 5-6 days to find out if they have gotten their surprise as per my suggestion. nothing bad in any way, will wear off in like 2 minutes, but will be proof to them and me that they had actually gone into hypnotic trance, and i plan to put a surprise in each file i make so the user knows when the file has been sucessful.

so, give me a few weeks to tweak a couple of induction files and get them uploaded on here, and you can give them a go and see if you can trance with those. i am making my induction files so they are aimed more towards analytical subjects as we seem to have the hardest time with trance.

PostPosted: May 17th, 2009, 6:35 am
by Hank01
I am greatly interested in your file once it is complete, looking forward to it.

PostPosted: May 17th, 2009, 8:57 am
by k4tj3
Me too! I haven't been successful with any of the inductions yet because I cant relax enough, I'm over analyzing whats being said, or I... I dunno, get impatient I guess?

"Lets take 10 steps down these stairs...10... 9 ... 8 blah blah blah" and all I can think is "Wow, I know I can walk down stairs pretty slowly... but not this slowly, and certainly not if someone is interrupting me every time I'm about to step down but have to stop and listen."

PostPosted: May 17th, 2009, 3:13 pm
by SamStrife
Yeah I'm really looking forward to your file.

My problem tends to be my head starts to have that head spinning feeling, and i think to myself "Oh snap, my heads spinning it's working I'm going under." and that snaps me straight back out.

I also have much better results when the hypnotist is getting me to imagine things, such as me sinking into sand.

Again, look forward to your file dude.

PostPosted: May 17th, 2009, 8:50 pm
by Loooter
SamStrife wrote:Yeah I'm really looking forward to your file.

My problem tends to be my head starts to have that head spinning feeling, and i think to myself "Oh snap, my heads spinning it's working I'm going under." and that snaps me straight back out.

I also have much better results when the hypnotist is getting me to imagine things, such as me sinking into sand.

Again, look forward to your file dude.

This is exactly what happens to me!! I start feeling like i'm going under and I think exactly what you think and it snaps me right out of it. I feel like resistant inductions work best for me, though.

PostPosted: May 18th, 2009, 2:39 pm
by MacGyver
the induction i am currently tweaking, you would be in an elevator, but i went the wrong way when counting and a few other things i need to do inorder to clean it up. the one others are testing is actually my second induction file. i also plan one for an escelator and will only go with the stairs if i get a request for it.

seein as it is an file and not live, i left out the parts about looking into my eyes, and added something to take the subject deeper.

later, i will make a file that should help in the future for anyone trying to use files here on WMM, my induction contains a trigger to get the subject back to a deep trance, which is new as it is the first time i have used a trigger, but after 20 years of not doing hypnosis on others, i figured to change things up a bit, my trigger will only work with my files though, this is for safety reasons.

i also plan a suprise in my induction files, this will let the subject know when they are ready to use other files i plan to make.