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Sylvis Black's Aching question for users

PostPosted: June 14th, 2009, 10:15 am
by Jules_Jewels
Could come one who listened to this file tell me if with a little editing the file could be made unisex, or is it very much male specific. As a female who's rather interested in anal [and to a lesser degree humiliation] something similar appeals and if altering was possible I'd buy it and spend the time but don't want to waste my money just to listen and find out its definitly guys only.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2009, 10:52 am
by FloridaPuppy
What is it supposed to do?

PostPosted: June 14th, 2009, 11:41 am
by Jules_Jewels
From Files page "Sylvia Black - Aching
Description: Ah, the wonderful humiliation of desperately needing something constantly stuffed up your butt. I do so enjoy seeing my boys waddling through a mall or along a sidewalk as all the people's heads turn to stare. Of course, if you've listened to my other recordings, you already know that's not nearly enough embarrassment for my taste. No, darlings, we're talking about a dreary boredom that comes with using the same object over and over again, girls laughing, the ever growing desire to always be finding new and elaborate things to stick in, and do to, your ass. Always wanting more, always desperate for more, until you can't keep your hands off your rear no matter where you are, always needing to play with your butt. Designed for straight and bi guys with homo-erotic intense humiliation fantasies. I look forward to hearing about all my boys' hilarious experiences after giving it a few listens, and all the begging for me to make it stop that tends to follow. "

PostPosted: June 14th, 2009, 2:58 pm
by FloridaPuppy
Just going by the description... You could probably edit it to remove any gender specific stuff, or at least re-record it slightly different if it's too slanted.

PostPosted: June 15th, 2009, 12:35 am
by cardigan
You might try looking through the numerous other files - free or pay - that exist here and see if something else doesn't come closer to what you need - without you having to edit it. I seem to recall some unisex anal files here. They might even be free.


PostPosted: September 9th, 2009, 6:47 am
by Jules_Jewels
Just to say thanks to fribly for telling me that it was worth editting, have now purchased, trimmed and listened. Very good.