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using distracting visualizations?

PostPosted: July 14th, 2009, 6:16 pm
by Teknogeek
Hey there help forum,
I was playing around with an induction and I noticed that if I conjure up some kind of detailed, distracting image, it really, REALLY helps my subconscious mind focus on what is being said. Having said that, I like many others am having trouble gauging how deep my trance is or if I'm even achieving one. Keeping in mind that I have relatively strong mental imaging faculties, what other suggestions might help me?

PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 2:11 am
by cardigan
You sound like you have a very analytical mind. If you are constantly trying to evaluate your trance depth while in trance, you are actually employing your conscious (analytical) mind for this process. This in itself will inhibit your ability to go deep.

My best advice is to not worry and not try to gauge things like that. Just relax, let your mind wander and trust in your own abilities.


PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 7:44 am
by Hypnosisdragon
You have a nice point Cardigan, but how?
I mean, I sometimes guess what level I'm at, but not continually. Is there a method of focusing on just the trance, or rather, non-focusing so trance comes easier?

PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 9:12 am
by cardigan
Well, you need to do casual listening - not intently focused listening. Just absorb the words without thinking too much about them. Relax - both mentally and physically and try to completely ignore the nice endgoal that going into trance and having the file work, will give you. If you think of something completely other than hypnosis suddenly, then this is actually a good thing, because it means you are starting to daydream, which is actually falling into trance.

Just be completely relaxed about the whole thing and don't worry or thing too much about it.


PostPosted: October 10th, 2009, 7:12 pm
by Hank01
So, what I'm hearing is that while listening to an induction for a file, if my mind is wandering, that is okay? If so, that is great as my mind is always wandering when I'm listening to an induction. My next thought/question is, I'm a total visual learner. Would I have more success if I stared at something while listening to a file?

Cardigan, sir, i was wondering about the file about the shower bondage. that file excites me and after listening to it several times, nothing happens. Am I hoping too much right now?

Thanks for your thoughts,

PostPosted: October 11th, 2009, 2:16 am
by cardigan
Well, I've heard of many others using the shower file, where nothing happens for a long time, and then suddenly: wham! :-)

So I'd say for you to just listen casually and let that file sort of be you resting place - just enjoy the nice relaxation that you get from going into trance. Then all of a sudden I am sure you will get results. Don't think about it and don't try too hard!


PostPosted: October 11th, 2009, 8:43 pm
by MacGyver
myself, i often have trouble with trance, am anylytical, but i find that when i am able to just let my mind wander or just do a casual listen focusing on the sound of the voice rather than what is being said, i tend to go fast, and either i will feel as if i am floating or the voice will be the loudest thing i have ever heard.

PostPosted: October 24th, 2009, 7:41 pm
by Hank01
Thank you Cardigan!
Thank you for your wonderful advice. I have started to listen to the file again, but this time casually, as you suggested. I woke up at 4 this morning and decided to listen to it as I was in a dreamy state of mind. Well, in the middle of the file, something happened, I had the best erection I have ever had and jumped awake. After a minute or two of wondering what had happened, I quietly fell asleep and when I woke up again, the file was done. I'm hoping that this might be the beginning of something wonderful. I'm going to do it again tonight before I fall asleep and if I wake up again, will listen to it again and then first thing, I'm jumping in the shower to see if something happens.
Thanks again for your valuable advice!