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Conjoined files vs Separate

PostPosted: October 13th, 2009, 9:44 pm
by ranmafan
I was just curious as to which would be best. (In regards to a Furry TF file) Trying to fit all the changes in one TF file..or spanning it out into two or more separate files. I think that the files are separated to focus on a few small things at a time that way to show results sooner that way you have more confidence when going into the second file. The problem is, if your listening to a permanent file separated, how would one know when to move on to the next file?

PostPosted: October 13th, 2009, 9:54 pm
by Jeshi
I'm not sure or the first questions but the last question "How do you know when to move on", sometimes scripts have a command "After you've listened to this file daily for 2 weeks/at least 20 times, you will move on to another files named filename2" Although when it comes to multi-part slavery files it's up to the master to decide when they're ready to move on, so I guess you would decide when you think you've seen the results enough to move on to the next part.