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what is a draze to do?

PostPosted: December 14th, 2009, 8:38 pm
by Draze
Hi pplz! I am new here... Currently Listening to A transformation file along with an accelerator and a visualization file... the transformation file is Fox Transformation Part 1... I have been listening to it for ? of days (less then a week) its step by step starting with fox eyes to Fox fur(including black animal nose, claws, and paw pads) I think I've been in a trance.... still not sure since most of the time i've been aware of myself and not being able to move... I really want to expidite things... but is that possible? or should i just Do inductions for bacon knows when until i can black out at the first mention of "relax..." (which would seriously make it hard for me to try new files that I am unable to know what they contain) should i stick with my current playlist or go back and listen to inductions?