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Trancing, or just plain zoning out?

PostPosted: March 9th, 2010, 7:57 pm
by jabjab23
I'm one of those people who has a hard time falling into trance, but recently I had an experience which seemed positive but I just wanted to check. I was listening to an induction file, quite tired at the time, and tried to just let my mind wander. I think being tired helped this along, but after a while I'd realize I wasn't even listening to the file. It was almost as if I couldn't hear anything, then suddenly I'd be jarred back to listening.

I'd just like to know if this is a good sign or not. Most files I've tried in the past have told me to pay very close attention to what's being said, but that tends to get me analyzing the words.

PostPosted: March 9th, 2010, 8:09 pm
by fruity1976
I zone in and out all the time during trances. I also go up and down during trances too like it getting lighter and then other times I go so deeper and completely zone out. I would think probably lots of people do that.

I occassionally fall asleep to and then seem to wake up right at the end when Im being woken up, or at least I think Ive fell asleep.

PostPosted: March 11th, 2010, 12:11 am
by cardigan
Both of you are going into trance. No doubt about it. And when a file is asking you to listen closely to what is being said, it is actually addressing your subconscious mind - not your conscious one. But a lot of people get that wrong.

What you should do when wanting to enter trance is simply to relax and to keep your ears open. Your conscious mind is allowed to wander - actually it's a good sign if it does. Your subconscious - on the other hand - will pick everything up, and the more your conscious mind wanders away and doesn't listen or recall anything afterwards, the better. That doesn't mean that if you remember anything afterwards, you weren't in trance!! People respond differently to trance, you see. Some go deep and have no idea what was said afterwards, others are present all the time and can recall the file. Doesn't matter either way - as long as you allow your conscious mind to do its own thing. Don't strain yourself trying to stay consciously focused on the words. That way you are preventing yourself from going deep.

Just relax and let things happen. And have confidence and faith. That's the hardest part - I know! :P

But if you feel suddenly like you're becoming more conscious during a file, then this just means that your level of trance changed a little, that it's not as deep at that moment as it was the moment before. Levels are not constant, but tend to go up and down all the time. Don't worry about that either.

A word of advice: don't attempt to have sessions longer than one hour, because the body gets very uncomfortable sitting or lying in the same position for a very long time - you can't move without breaking the trance, you see. So keep sessions shorter than one hour - no matter if you listen to something you have pasted together into a playlist or it is only one file. Keep it short and do multiple sessions instead of one marathon session.


PostPosted: March 11th, 2010, 7:15 am
by jabjab23
Thanks for the replies, both very helpful. I'm glad someone finally pointed out to me that there's such a thing as listening too closely because I've been doing that all along. I think my difficulties have been partly going into hypnosis with the wrong mind-set, and partly using files that are a bit too advanced for me to get much out of. Since everyone seems to recommend the trig freeze file for beginners I'll have a go at that and some inductions until I start getting results I'm happy with.