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I need an iduction file that will work on someone with ADHD

PostPosted: March 24th, 2010, 2:25 pm
by poonster68
hi, i have tried many different files on this site and none of them have worked. Since them i've found that the problem is not the files themselves but that i have a very difficult time getting into trance. you see i have ADHD and it make it very difficult to concentrate on the file without thinking about something like, which file should i try after this, or is this working. so i was wondering if anyone had ideas of an induction file on this site that might help me into a trance.

PostPosted: March 25th, 2010, 2:05 pm
by poonster68
yesterday I actually ended up finding a pretty good file to put me into a trance that actually worked on me it was called Counting Induction by MistE and it really worked well on me and this was after my medicine had worn of and i was at full blown ADHD. However that was just my experience with the file, which is why im leaving this topic up. That way other people with things like ADD or ADHD can post there opinions on the matter and maybe tell about some file that put them under a trance successfully

PostPosted: May 27th, 2010, 7:09 pm
by DarkDiaper
hmm... i also have ADHD. even after so many years i can control it i find it incredibly hard to go into trance. all the distractions don't help and no disrespect to EMG but... his inductions really just kinda drone on me o.o' *hides to avoid curses*

P.S. sorry if this counts as necroing but i would like to find an induction that works for me ^^'

PostPosted: May 27th, 2010, 9:27 pm
by sarnoga
DarkDiaper wrote:hmm... i also have ADHD. even after so many years i can control it i find it incredibly hard to go into trance. all the distractions don't help and no disrespect to EMG but... his inductions really just kinda drone on me o.o' *hides to avoid curses*

P.S. sorry if this counts as necroing but i would like to find an induction that works for me ^^'

ยท Name: Sarnoga - Adderall Boys Additional Types: Link To File
Description: Adderall Boys is an induction specially designed to help those with ADD and ADHD go into trance and learn to trance. This file should work for everyone but is specially designed for those with attention problems.
Author: sarnoga PlayTime: 00:36:00 Added On: 2010-04-18 Downloaded: 308
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 4.9167 Total Votes: 12 Comments: 4

PostPosted: May 28th, 2010, 4:29 am
by DarkDiaper
i'll have to wait another few months for that one u.u

Sarnoga - Adderall Boys. Listeners with ADHD please comment

PostPosted: June 14th, 2010, 9:22 am
by sarnoga
Hello folks,

I've had many positive reports about my file "Sarnoga - Adderall Boys", but none of them seem to be from those with ADHD. I find that a bit puzzling as there are often posts from those with ADHD explaining that they have trouble trancing. I made this file with them in mind. If anyone has ADHD and has tried this file I would really like to hear from you as to whether it was able to help you go into trance. Any other comments you care to make are also welcome.

