Need help, I can't seem to use the files

I posted a similar topic in the TF section, but I didn't see this board at first :V And I might get more help here, so anyway:
I'm pretty much new to the whole MP3 hypnosis thing. Curious to test to see if these work well, I went with triggerable transformation files since I don't really like the theme on everything else.
For five nights in a row, now in an hour about to do my sixth, I've been listening to a playlist at night on my iPod. At first this contained EMG's Deepening file, then his Dragon transformation, and then someone's remix of his Furry TF file. Essentially like 50min+ long, after the playlist I listen to the TF files two more times each in the playlist order. I also recently added TrigMorph to the playlist for more hope to intentionally experience visual hallucinations and feel different while still being rather sane. I downloaded TrigWerewolf since apparently it works very well - but the thing is I've heard people go on all fours and do act as wolves with the howling shit, when I just want to use my own mind while walking with two legs. Therefore I didn't add it to the list.
However, I don't think I've made terribly much process at all. While I do black out for three seconds and then start to hear the start of a new line of the file while being dead still sometimes, nothing else noticeable happens during my trance other than feeling numb in the feet and hands, which of course everyone can experience without going into a trance. After the playlist and repeats, I quietly say the phrases at least three times each to activate the effects of the file to test them afterwards. Nothing happens at all, but just in case they become in effect in the middle of a day in life, I say the reverting ones.
Now I come to ask you guys - what exactly should I be doing? Should I cut down the amount of files I play, follow some guidelines while being in/entering a trance, and/or what else? Also, general tips on how to get the files to work would be wonderful.
And by the way - with the files that don't try to put you in a trance at the start (the furry TF remix seems to be 10min long while the proper with the seeing everyone as furries is like 20min or so big) - how are you meant to be introduced into one when you listen to these? This might be another reason why I can't seem to get this file to work.
TL;DR - Complete newb here who can't get TF files to work.
Thanks in advance. If you need more information on what happens to me, I'll post it since that will probably get more progress on this.
I'm pretty much new to the whole MP3 hypnosis thing. Curious to test to see if these work well, I went with triggerable transformation files since I don't really like the theme on everything else.
For five nights in a row, now in an hour about to do my sixth, I've been listening to a playlist at night on my iPod. At first this contained EMG's Deepening file, then his Dragon transformation, and then someone's remix of his Furry TF file. Essentially like 50min+ long, after the playlist I listen to the TF files two more times each in the playlist order. I also recently added TrigMorph to the playlist for more hope to intentionally experience visual hallucinations and feel different while still being rather sane. I downloaded TrigWerewolf since apparently it works very well - but the thing is I've heard people go on all fours and do act as wolves with the howling shit, when I just want to use my own mind while walking with two legs. Therefore I didn't add it to the list.
However, I don't think I've made terribly much process at all. While I do black out for three seconds and then start to hear the start of a new line of the file while being dead still sometimes, nothing else noticeable happens during my trance other than feeling numb in the feet and hands, which of course everyone can experience without going into a trance. After the playlist and repeats, I quietly say the phrases at least three times each to activate the effects of the file to test them afterwards. Nothing happens at all, but just in case they become in effect in the middle of a day in life, I say the reverting ones.
Now I come to ask you guys - what exactly should I be doing? Should I cut down the amount of files I play, follow some guidelines while being in/entering a trance, and/or what else? Also, general tips on how to get the files to work would be wonderful.
And by the way - with the files that don't try to put you in a trance at the start (the furry TF remix seems to be 10min long while the proper with the seeing everyone as furries is like 20min or so big) - how are you meant to be introduced into one when you listen to these? This might be another reason why I can't seem to get this file to work.
TL;DR - Complete newb here who can't get TF files to work.
Thanks in advance. If you need more information on what happens to me, I'll post it since that will probably get more progress on this.