I've been trying out a file to increase susceptibility to hypnosis as well as an accelerator file hoping that they'll complement each other in helping me get into trance, and it seems to be working a charm. I've also been listening to subliminal files along the same lines. Still, one thing I've always had trouble with when going into trance is keeping my mind from being too aware of itself. Particularly when my eyes are closed, I have trouble letting my mind just wander and I think about whether I'm deep enough in trance and if it's really having an effect on me etc. etc.
So lately I've been trying out hypnotic spirals while I listen to files. It really helps to clear my mind and put me in trance much faster. I can literally feel the difference. Sometimes I'll close my eyes if they get tired but I haven't been too worried about whether they're shut or I'm watching the spiral.
My question is whether this is a good approach or not. It seems that subjective success is the best way to gauge how useful one technique is over another, and maybe I've just gotten better at going into trance on the whole, but I thought I'd ask here to get the opinions of more experienced people. Does having your eyes open or closed have much of an effect on how deep you can go into trance?