New guy questions

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New guy questions

Postby Marky85 » April 7th, 2010, 6:47 pm

Hey I'm new here and really new to all this hypnosis stuff so i was wondering if anyone has any tips. I've tried a couple of files and get half way into a trance when I'm listening my limps feel light and i really don't want to move (being new I don't know if this is correct or not).

Any tips on files to start on or tips on how to get into a deeper trance, or any tips in general would be great guys
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Practice makes Perfect

Postby Calimore » April 7th, 2010, 11:52 pm

Long Boring Post Alert!

Trancing for most people is a skill they must work to acquire. For about 10-15% of people it more like an ability, as they seem to be almost as susceptible as the poeple you see in the movies or on TV. These are usually rather intelligent, imaginative people who take direction well. Such lucky ducks.

The rest of us have to practice, but happily it isn't like learning to show horses or play the piano - you get to relax and just let the hypnotist guide you. In trance, your conscious mind becomes more detached and may seem blank, like a second observer or it may even be going over your taxes. It doesn't matter though, so long as your subconscious mind is free to absorb the suggestions and command that lead you into trance.

So, instead of studying and practicing, we get to make ourselves comfortable and relax. All we have to do is listen and follow. When the hypnotist says to pay close attention, that instruction is for your subconscious mind, so just focus instead on your breathing and how it is growing slower and deeper. Feel free to let your mind wander. All you need do is relax and open your mind to the ideas, suggestions and commands.

It's really just that simple and all you need to do. Start with inductions and files with simple effects (itchy foot, trig pleasure, lady orgasm) and work slow. Imagine you are learning to ride bike again. Even though you are and adult now and may have a biker's endorsement on your license, you probably started out on a tricycle. Imagine that - you had to figure out how to turn the pedals and work the steering wheel at the same time! It was exciting at first, especially until you realized how hard it was to tip over, and then it was great.

Learning to trance is a lot like that. Most successful people seem to start out with the basics (just getting into a trance and accepting simple suggestions), then move on to post-hypnotic suggestion, learning triggers and working with training files.

So, before you get on that two-wheeler, let's cover the basics and try to establish a habit. Trancing in the morning after rising or in the evening about an hour after a reasonable meal seems to work well for many people. Before you start, make sure your basic needs are met (not too hungry, thirsty, got to use toilet, etc) and try to eliminate unnecessary disratcions. Turn off the phone, Blackberry, instant messenger (that right, turn it off!) Try to give the hypnosis file the same attention you'd give a hypnotist who came to your home, office or carpool...

Part of many peoples success seems to be their eagerness to show and maybe even please their hypnotist that they can follow their suggestions. The files can remove a vital part of that for some in that often authors rarely have time to interact one-on-one with their listeners. That means it's usually up to you as the listener to learn how to please yourself with your ability to learn and grow.

So, try several inductions and basic files and select two or three to work with, then do it daily, once or even twice a day. Give yourself one day off a week, but get right back in there next week and stick with the same files. If one starts to turn you off, drop it, but stick with the others. Odds are, in 2-3 weeks you'll be happily trancing.

Depth require a similar diligence. I like files like EMG's Accelerator or the Suggestible file for gaining depth, but repetition and conditioning is really the key.

I use a modified version of Lutz's Bubble Trigger test for conditioning, but my own Calimore's Deep Trance trigger can be used in a similar fashion. Try using it until the Sleepytime trigger works, then using it twice in a row, coming fully Awake before using it again. I've subject who use that 2-3 time in a session, as it is only about 13 minutes long.

Other than that, text trancing, voice trancing and reading MCStories seem to help a lot of people get in the right frame of mind to have a deep trance experience. Just remember, this is not something you must do but more something you have to learn to 'let happen'. So, the more you can relax and just let go - don't even think about it - the deeper you'll go and the better you'll feel.

That's right, picture yourself listening to a file and try to focus on how good it feels to give in and let another voice guide you deep within yourself. At that moment you may allow yourself to forget about what's actually happening and just give-in to what may likely be one of the most amazing events of your life. With practice, you will succeed, but only after you have figured out what you are doing.

Wonderfully done, 'new guy' - you're trancing, now onto the tricky stuff. Might I suggest TrigPleasure, TrigOrgasm then TrigArousal, in that order? Those were my first trigger files and quite entertaining, at the time. :wink:

Please be sure to update us all with your progress, Marky - there really are many people here interested in seeing you have the best time you can with hypnosis.

Happy Trancing!
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Postby Marky85 » April 8th, 2010, 1:32 pm

thanks for the long not boring at all post. I found it really interesting last night I used the Cardigan Deep Trance file and at the part where it says "your arms are getting heavier" They really did and I got a tingling sensation in my arms. I also tried the Bubble Induction file but I fell asleep during that one lol. I will use the triggers you suggested and yeah if i have any sucess I will be sure to let you know.

Thanks again
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