
April 17th, 2010, 12:25 pm
by Heartwould
I'm new to the website, and I'm thinking of submitting some files to qualify for Premium membership.
I can't seem to find directions for the protocol of submitting a file - if they're around, please, a little nudge in the right direction would go a long way!
In the absence if any formal protocol, how do I go about it? Should I forward them to EMG first, or just upload them? What kind of information should accompany it?
Thank you!

April 18th, 2010, 5:54 am
by Feverdream
Just upload, using the link under "Files" in the menu bar. All new files are premium only for the first six months, meaning only members can access them. Then they become free for all.
If you'd like for a file to be for sale, that you should talk to EMG first. I don't know how to make that happen. But it is usually a good idea to have a few free/premium files up before you attempt to sell files, so that people can get a sense of your style, voice, etc and know whether they would want to pay for some of your work.
As for protocol... you should generally only be uploading your own work, or that of someone whose permission you have been granted. When you upload, include a brief and accurate description of what the file does. You don't have to give so many details that you spoil it, but you should warn people of any disturbing imagery or effects that they might not want.
For instance, using a metaphor of going underwater to represent trance could be very distressing to someone with a phobia of drowning... that sort of thing. Or if your file implants suggestions that it will be addictive and that the listener will feel compelled to return to it again and again, that sort of thing is generally good to mention in the description. If people give informed consent by subjecting themselves to your file after you warned them, it is their own problem if they don't like when it does what you said it would.