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Question about Bubble induction

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2010, 10:36 pm
by dracolich35
Ok so after a LONG time with no success i have tried lutz's bubble induction. i think i went into a good trance. It's weird i can clearly remember listening to the file, but when i try to remember what was said it's like there is a fog blocking my memory, but that's not the point of this post.

More on to my topic, what are some ways that i can test to see if it has worked. I know that the trigger makes you a slave to whoever says it, but my girlfriend and i don't really know what to do to test the file out. And also if she triggers me am i supposed to remember what i do while triggered or am i supposed to forget. Also is it effective to be triggered with the bubble trigger and then told to listen to another file while triggered, i would imagine that might help.

I know it's late at night (well where i live it is anyway) and if i wrote this in a way that makes no sense i'm sorry, just tell me what i didn't explain well and i'll try to clarify.

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2010, 11:56 pm
by sfhypno
Just get her to trigger you and then tell you to do anything at all. Try to resist doing it, and if you can't, then it worked. She can then tell you that you'll have no memory of her using the trigger and then wake you up to see if that works for you as well. After that, she can just trigger you whenever she likes and use you for her pleasure by making you do all the laundry and dishes from now on. ;-)

It does generally help to listen to files while in as deep a trance as possible, so being triggered before listening to a file ought to help, especially if the person tells you to do everything that the file says.

Congrats on your first good trance experience. I hope it just gets better from here.

Forgotten Easter Eggs

PostPosted: May 4th, 2010, 7:06 am
by Calimore
Almost forgot where I put these:


PostPosted: May 5th, 2010, 12:29 am
by sfhypno
Even better. :-)