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I need help trying to be hypnotized

PostPosted: August 16th, 2005, 8:57 am
by bluecutter
I've been trying a few Deepenings and Induction but nothing works. I've been wanting to become a woman in the slow trigger woman file, but nothing's happening, I listened to another file and still nothing works. Could someone give me advise on how to really get hypnotized and all that so I can experience the triggers?

Re: I need help trying to be hypnotized

PostPosted: August 16th, 2005, 12:23 pm
by dharden
bluecutter wrote:I've been trying a few Deepenings and Induction but nothing works. I've been wanting to become a woman in the slow trigger woman file, but nothing's happening, I listened to another file and still nothing works. Could someone give me advise on how to really get hypnotized and all that so I can experience the triggers?

Don't try too hard, don't try to make it work, don't get too tied up in trying to figure out whether or not it's working, and don't get too concerned with what "should" happen or what you "should" be experiencing. Most of all, don't give up.

BTW, the trigger you mentioned is reckoned as one of the hardest to get fully working because it calls for so much.

PostPosted: August 16th, 2005, 12:29 pm
by Ohka
In your experience, what have you heard are easier feminization trigger files?

try trainsusceptable

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 12:28 am
by jllf2003
hey. the deepening file didn't work well for me, but i tried trainsusceptable a lot of times. it takes me so deep every time, and i am able to use most files now with success. not interested in transformation, though, so i can't help you there.

hope this helps

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 12:57 am
by cardigan
The success of a total feminization, where you not only feel like and act like a woman, but where you also "halucinate" yourself to look like a woman, would be very hard to achieve. Lots of factors determine whether a person is able to do the halucination bit - for instance susceptibility and the depth of trance. With lots of training most people will be able to think and feel like a woman, but only some will be able to see themselves as such in the mirror, I think. Actually I'd think it'd be easier to accomplish real physical change - for instance growth of breasts than imagined change. (But not the change of penis into a vagina!) But please contradict me, if anybody knows otherwise! I'd really like to have some facts from people who have experience in these matters!

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 10:13 am
by bluecutter
ok, thanks. I guess I was trying to hard since this is my first time around this place. Thanks a lot and I'll take your guys advise. I won't give up and I'll just let my mind flow like they tell me to do :wink:

PostPosted: August 19th, 2005, 3:45 am
by GrimIronMan
bluecutter wrote:ok, thanks. I guess I was trying to hard since this is my first time around this place. Thanks a lot and I'll take your guys advise. I won't give up and I'll just let my mind flow like they tell me to do :wink:

Yea, I expected it to work the first time too. Try a place like your bed to go into trance. Sleep with the SublimTrainTrance on loop. Listen to Deepening2 whenever you get the chance and are in the mood. That's what I did, and a few more files work for me. See my journal for more informationm

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2005, 4:39 pm
by bluecutter
ok, I'll do that, I have had a few parts work since I've been listening to it a lot, but not everything is there yet. Thanks for the tips. This is a great site. But also, I wish I can turn into a girl...fully. And where's your journal located anyway?


PostPosted: September 11th, 2005, 2:54 am
by bluecutter
Well, I don't know if it's because I don't keep up with trying the hynosis by everyday or something but I really haven't gotten any results for the time I have. I may have believed my hands and feet have changed and that my breasts grew, but it hasn't been going well.
Could someone tell me (who has had success or good results) on becoming a woman? Like what you did to become one and all that? I've tried a few hynosis, but I just don't feel that it's going right at all. I mean I don't even know if I was put under a trance....
So could someone help out?

PostPosted: September 13th, 2005, 4:36 am
by MikeWulf
cardigan wrote:The success of a total feminization, where you not only feel like and act like a woman, but where you also "halucinate" yourself to look like a woman, would be very hard to achieve. Lots of factors determine whether a person is able to do the halucination bit - for instance susceptibility and the depth of trance. With lots of training most people will be able to think and feel like a woman, but only some will be able to see themselves as such in the mirror, I think. Actually I'd think it'd be easier to accomplish real physical change - for instance growth of breasts than imagined change. (But not the change of penis into a vagina!) But please contradict me, if anybody knows otherwise! I'd really like to have some facts from people who have experience in these matters!
I think everyone is able to hallucinate images due to hypnosis. It's just that some have so much trouble reaching that point that perhaps it would be best just to stop trying.