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PostPosted: June 27th, 2010, 6:51 pm
by Enargo
I've been having trouble with this file. I know it can work, but I fall asleep before I can hear a second of the file, it's either I am going really deep and I'm not waking up, I have the playlist on a loop so it will constantly play. I have only one other file with this one, the accelarator. Last night I fell asleep the whole night! Can anyone help?

PostPosted: July 6th, 2010, 3:17 pm
by TeenWolf
Falling asleep? Do you literally mean the 'sleepy, bedtime' sleep?
Usually, 'blanking out' and waking up when the file's finished is a good sign.
Not sure about all night though.

PostPosted: July 6th, 2010, 4:07 pm
by Enargo
I would wake up either in the suggestion of enchanted keyboard or the end of the accelerator. I have been haveing the blank style sleep. I want to note that I have, for awhile, decided to put a hold on hypnosis and re-entered my focus on lucid dreams and obes (I've chosen the WILDS method). Please continue to post answers if you know if I'm falling asleep or getting in a trance.

PostPosted: August 13th, 2010, 9:26 pm
by Hank01
Here is what happens to me occasionally: I will be listening to a file early in the morning before I get up and usually doze off again and the file becomes a part of my dreaming. I could be dreaming of being in a large group of people and the file is playing and playing and I can't make it stop. Somewhere in the back of my mind something is telling me that I'm not doing something right to turn it off and I keep listening to it while asleep. I hope this kind of makes sense.
Can anyone tell me if this is good or bad?

PostPosted: August 18th, 2014, 4:19 pm
by kiba-kun
Well, the file worked on me, I listen to it every couple of days after the "accelerator" file every so often and it worked woof

PostPosted: August 18th, 2014, 4:49 pm
by Endo
Wow. Haven't seen a 4 year necro in a long while.

PostPosted: August 18th, 2014, 5:12 pm
by kiba-kun
Ok, well it does work :) and "necro"? What?? Oh yeah I use the trigger phrase after saying I can't move my feet or move from my chair for a set time as well and that works too :D woof

PostPosted: August 18th, 2014, 5:53 pm
by Endo
You posted in a thread that's not seen any activity in 4 years. We call that action a "necro" as in "raising the dead". Internet Faux Pas, please try not to do that.

PostPosted: August 18th, 2014, 8:04 pm
by kiba-kun
Endo wrote:You posted in a thread that's not seen any activity in 4 years. We call that action a "necro" as in "raising the dead". Internet Faux Pas, please try not to do that.

Sorry :oops:

PostPosted: August 18th, 2014, 8:09 pm
by Endo
Oh well, I suppose any activity on this site is good activity.

PostPosted: August 19th, 2014, 5:50 am
by kiba-kun
It won't happen again, woof :oops: